3rd Grade Reading Foundations

  • Learning Outcome
    • 3.RF.1 Apply foundational reading skills to build reading fluency and comprehension.
  • Phonics
    • 3.RF.4.2 Understand the six major syllable patterns (CVC, CVr, V, VV, VCe, Cle) to aid in decoding unknown words.
    • 3.RF.4.4 Read grade-appropriate words that have blends (e.g., walk, play) and common spelling patterns (e.g., qu-; doubling the consonant and adding –ing, such as cut/cutting; changing the ending of a word from –y to –ies to make a plural).
    • 3.RF.4.5 Know and use more difficult word families when reading unfamiliar words (e.g., -ight).
    • 3.RF.4.6 Read multi-syllabic words composed of roots and related prefixes and suffixes; read irregular contractions (e.g., will not = won’t) and possessives (e.g., children’s, Dennis’s).
  • Fluency
    • 3.RF.5 Orally read grade-level appropriate or higher texts smoothly and accurately, with expression that connotes comprehension at the independent level.
