Young Writers Best Work,Fall 2020 The Three Little Chickens

The Three Little Chickens

By Pericles

Once upon a time there lived three chickens. They all lived with their mother. Ping is the oldest. He would sit in his favorite seat all day trying to lay an egg. Pang is very naughty he liked to peck people with his beak. Everyone calls him chicken pan. Pong was the youngest. Every day he would go to the female pen to company the females while they lay their eggs. He Sorted their eggs and move the eggs to a pin which will keep the eggs warm. He also made a farm to feed all the chickens in Chicksville.

One day their mother gathered them together. She told the brothers, “You are all grown up. Now you must go out and build your own house.”

Before they left, she gave them a warning “Never trust the fox.”  They hugged and said, “Goodbye” to their mom and set out into the woods.

They walked around in the woods. They finally agreed on a spot. It was a clearing, there were lots of tall maple trees surrounding it. They knew it was the right place. They started looking for materials. Ping decided to use leaves and sticks, he finished in only a few days. Pang used stones, he finished a few days after Ping. Pong used stones and clay. Ping and Pang asked, “Why do you not use leaves, sticks, or stones? Then you can spend your time merrily.” 

‘“I am using stones, but with clay so it will be stronger. Why don’t you guys also build your house out of stone and clay?” Pong said. 

Ping and Pang said, “Why? If you spend your time merrily it is better.”

After another hour, Ping and Pang asked, “Why don’t you come and eat with us?”

Pong said, “Sure, anyway the clay needs to be left alone. It will dry then it will stick the stones together.”

After a few days, Pong said, “let’s start putting things in our houses.” Pong put in a bathroom, a kitchen, a table, a library, and an experiment room which is also his thinking room. In Pong’s backyard, there was a garden and farm. Pang put a bathroom, a table, a kitchen, and a playroom.

Pong asked Pang, “Why don’t you have a farm?” “We eat grass, I do not need to plant a garden because grass is everywhere.” replied Pang. 

Ping put a bathroom, a kitchen, a table, and a place where he can try to lay eggs. He called it the egg laying paradise. 

Pong asked Ping” Why don’t you have a farm like Pang?” “I don’t need one since I am the oldest. I can tell you what to do so you must give me your vegetables.” Ping said. 

Pong said to himself, “He is so lazy, at least Pang will go out and get his own grass.” 

One morning when Ping was doing his normal routine in his egg laying paradise. He heard “Knock knock.”

Ping asked, “Who’s there?”

“The fox.” 

“The fox who?” asked Ping. 

“The fox who wants to be your friend.” 

Ping screamed, “No fox is a friend!” 

“If you do not let me in I will push and punch and your house will crumble down.” said the fox. 

“Whatever I do I will not let you in, not on the feathers of my chinny chin chin.” Ping sweared. 

The fox pushed and punched. Sticks were falling leaves were fluttering. Ping’s house crumbled down. 

Ping ran as fast as his two chicken legs could carry him.

Ping thought, “Pong was right. I should have made my house out of stones and clay.” 

He knocked on Pang’s door and said, “The fox is trying to eat me.” 

Pang let him in. Ping told Pang everything. Just as Ping finished Ping and Pang heard knocking. 

“Who’s there?” Pang asked.

“The fox.” 

“The fox who?” asked Pang. 

“The fox who wants to be your friend.” 

Pang screamed, “No fox is a friend!” 

“If you do not let me in I will push and punch and your house will crumble down.” said the fox. 

“Whatever we do. We will not let you in, not on the feathers of our chinny chin chin.” Ping and Pang sweared.

The fox pushed and punched. Stones were rolling and dust was settling.

Ping’s house crumbled down.

Ping and Pang ran as fast as their 4 chicken legs could carry them.

Pang thought, “I should have listened to Pong.”

When they got to Pong’s house, he let them in. 

They both explained to Pong what happened.

Just as they finished the fox came.

“Let me in!” Cried the fox while he was banging on the door.

“No.” They said it together firmly.

When the fox heard “no” he started pushing and punching. He cried “OWE!”

He had fallen on his back, his four legs dangling in the glistening sunlight.

The fox cleverly thought of a plan. He knew that Pong was smarter than his brothers Ping and Pang. “I need to get Pong first. Without Pong I can easily gobble up Ping and Pang.”

He said to them “Let us be friends, we shall fight no more.” He asked them all, “Will you come with me to the farm?”  Pong said, “Yes, I’ll go myself. My brothers need to stay home and rest.” Pong knew the fox was trying to lure him into a trap. Instead of going at 11 in the morning he went at 10. The fox did not find Pong when he went to the farm. He went to Pong’s house again and asked, “Will you go to the spring festival with me at 10 in the morning?” Again, Pong said, “Yes”.

Pong still knew the fox was trying to trick him so instead of going at 10 in the morning he went at 9. Again, the fox did not find Pong. He went once again to Pong’s house and said, “Will you go to the chicken dance with me?” Pong said, “Yes.” Still Pong went an hour early and went at 8. The fox was expecting this and went at the same time. When Pong saw the fox, he dived into the crowd. The fox could not find Pong. So Pong managed to get back home. The fox stomped to Pong’s house in rage, he found the only opening in the house. It was the chimney, so he climbed in. Pong heard the fox and told Ping and Pang to put a big pot of hot sand in the chimney. The fox had heard about how the wolf burned water. The fox knew that boiling water creates steam.

He looked down and saw no steam. When the fox jumped in the chimney, he landed on hot sand he started screaming. He jumped out and ran out of the house.

After this incident Ping and Pang said to Pong, “You were right all along we should have made our house stronger”. Both decided to build their house out of stones and clay.

One day the fox came back.

The chickens said, “get out get out!”

The fox said, “I just want to be friends with you. I promise I will not eat you.”

“I don’t trust you.” Pong said.

“Please.” Said the fox.

“Hmmm, let us think” said Pong

“I got it.” said Pong we will give you 3 trials if you complete those trials you may earn our trust.”

“Plus” said Ping “Each of us will give one trial.”

They brought the fox to a giant house which was covered in delicate crystals. If he cracked the crystals, they would fall on him. After the fox was in, they started thinking of the trials. When they had thought of their trials, they went to fetch the fox.

Ping said for the first trial “You must go to our mother’s hospital and care for the animals there for 10 days. If you eat anyone we will put you in the crystal house and never come back.”

The fox went to the hospital.

He found the chicken’s mom and told them “You will be the one who cares for the animals when they just get to the hospital. They will be alone with you. This is your trial.”

The fox wanted to eat the patients so bad, but he cared for them. In return he was given animal butts and coffee. When a patient saw him, they stared at him in fear. He told them it was okay, and they settled down. When he was finished with the first trial he went back. Pang told him about his next trial.

Pang said, ‘You must go and teach weak families how to care for themselves. You must go to our dad’s work for 15 days.”

He went to the chicken’s dad’s school on how to care for yourself. The chicken’s dad told him he would spend time with them in the cafeteria. He wanted the animals. There were so many if he ate one barely anyone would notice. But he did not eat them. When he was finished with his second trial, he came back for his third trial. They said there are animal butts in the crystal house, we heard you liked them. Pong gave the fox his last trial.

Pong told the fox to “Find orphan animals and bring them to our big brother’s orphan warehouse. He would do it for 25 days.”

The fox found the chickens’ brother. He told him to “Find the orphans and bring them to the warehouse. He wanted to eat them since nobody would know. But he did not. When he was finished he came back.  

  Pong said, “You have earned our trust, you can be our friend now.”

“What should we do first?” asked Ping.

“How about we make a farm.” Said Pong “We could put insects in our farm then we can eat them.”  

“Yeah” said the fox “So let us get to work.

They started gathering and making materials. Ping made some ropes to hold it together. Pang gathered some food for the insects. Ping captured the insects. The fox gathered stones, clay, he also found some crystals to make it into glass.

When they finished the barn the fox said, “I have never tasted insects it looks disgusting.

“You can do it.” said Pang.

“Yes” said the fox “If Simba can do it then I can too.” Then he started singing, “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH SSSSSSSAAAAAAAVVVVVVEEE NNNNNNN AAAAAAA .“ They all laughed. The fox tasted and liked it. So the barn grew and grew. From then on, they were best friends. They all lived happily ever after.   

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