White Snow

By Olivia

Long ago, there was a princess named White Snow. White Snow had a grandfather that had died a couple months ago.  White Snow´s grandfather’s daughter, Conny, was so jealous of White Snow because everyone always helped and cared about White Snow. So Conny made an evil plan. Since Conny was the queen and White Snow was Conny´s daughter. Conny thought that she was White Snow’s mother, so Conny could do anything about her daughter and about everyone who was living in the kingdom too. 

One day, Conny just couldn’t handle it about her daughter, so Conny directly went to White Snow and said, ¨Good Afternoon White Snow. How are you?¨

¨I´m doing fine, just, you know, enjoying life.¨ answered White Snow.

¨Well I have a babysitter today, to come and take care of you.¨

¨But mom, I´m already eight years old, I don’t need anyone to take care of me.¨

¨Well honey, I will be out of town this afternoon, so I need someone to take care of you for two weeks.¨

¨Ugh, fine,¨

¨Oh, I think she’s here!¨

When the babysitter arrived, she went to White Snow and said “Good Afternoon Snow White? Or is it White Snow?¨

¨Its White Snow.¨

“Okay then, well I’m Larney.Your mother told me that you had to do your chores.”

“No she didn’t. She never assigns me chores. Our maids do them.”

“Well your maids got fired.”

“No, they didn’t, there right there.”

“Yep, and PACKING their bags ready to leave.”

“Hold on, I have to say bye to them!”

When White Snow was with the maids saying bye, Larney decided to hide all White Snow’s toys and let her do her chores, or should I say… Conny?

When White Snow came back, she lay down on her bed and started sobbing. Larney couldn’t help but cry with her too. Yep Larney was wearing those airpods. Conny was telling Larney what to say. Larney muted herself and then smashed her airpods into pieces.

“Why did you smash your airpods into bits?” asked White Snow.

“Because, it was your mother telling me what to do and what to say and i’m really sorry for your maids.”

“It’s okay.”

“What did my mom say?”

“Well… she told me to not tell you, so I’m sorry.”


“Okay then, well I can only tell you one clue: kill.”

“Wait a second, my mom wants to kill me? But I thought she loved me?”

“She does love you, but she’s jealous of you.”


“Because she thinks you get all the care and love from everyone else, but she didn’t get anything, so I think we should run away. Together.”

“Ok, but the only problem is where?”

“Deep, deep deep in the woods, so she won’t find you.”

“Ok then let’s go.”

When White Snow and Larney went deep into the woods, they found a small cottage. They decided to go in and see if they could stay there for the night. When they went in, they met a bunch of animals. The animals wanted to warn them that this house was Conny’s house too, but the animals couldn’t talk. Since White Snow was looking at the house so intently (about its dirtiness) she thought that the animals, herself and Larney could start sweeping up the mess.

Two days later, Conny was so tired she decided to go to that cottage to rest a bit. When she peeked in the window, she saw Larney and White Snow! And even with a bunch of animals. Conny hated all of them, especially all of them. Conny decided to kill White Snow herself, so she got out her spell book and quickly left to find a hiding spot. Conny found a mini cave just right for her to do her project. Conny’s project was to make something poisonous to let White Snow take a bit and a disguise for herself. Conny decided to make a poisonous comb for White Snow. If White Snow used the comb to brush one peck of her hair, she would die and Conny would become the best person in the world! 

When Conny was done with her disguise, she decided to go up to the cottage’s door and knock. When White Snow heard the knock, she immediately opened the door. She couldn’t believe it, she saw an elder woman at the door. White Snow asked, “How may I help you?”

“I noticed that you just moved in here, so I gave you a comb.”

“Er, thanks, but I don’t need a comb.”

“This isn’t any ordinary comb, it’s a wishing comb. If you brush your hair with it, then your wish will come true.”

“Thank you! I wish to let everyone love my mom and take good care of her.”

One tear strolled down the old woman’s cheek. She couldn’t believe it! “NO!” said the old woman, who then transformed into the queen, but it was too late. White Snow had already brushed her hair with the toxic comb. Conny started crying and crying. Then suddenly, she felt White Snow move. Conny got up and saw White Snow wake up. Conny hugged her so tight that White Snow couldn’t even breath. 

“I am so sorry.”

“I think I deserved it.”

“You deserve none of this, it should have been me.”

“I did that on purpose, I knew you were going to spell me. I just wanted to let you be more like in the group. You’re always thinking about me, but you didn’t even think about how beautiful you are.”

“You’re the best. I’m so sorry, and by the way, where’s Larney?”

“She’s sleeping.”

“Oh, I guess we could leave now.”

“Without her?”

“Well… she was the evil one. She was the one to kill you, and she is the evil one. She wanted you to like her instead of me.”

“Are you sure or are you lying to me?”

“Are you kidding? I will never lie to my beloved daughter.” 

And the queen and the princess lived happily ever after.

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