The Pegasus

There was once a Pegasus named Wings. She was wondering what to do next. She had helped all the gods and was very bored. She could go explore the whole sky or land on the ground where humans lived. Wings lived in the sky. It was very dangerous if she went onto the ground, she needed permission from the gods even though she was a god but a horse god to be exact. “Goddess Hera may I go onto ground where the humans live?” Wings called out. There was a moment of silence, but no answer.

Wings called out to Zeus, Hera’s husband. Maybe he knew where Hera was. He said “ Wings, I do not know where Hera is.” Suddenly, Wings had an idea, she could use her horn to call Hera. Zapppppp went her horn, “Hera where are you?” Wings said. Hera said breathlessly “I’m in a trap on the human land. The humans caught me. It is very hard to find where I am but if you can do this then you can find me. #1 Fly above the ground and spot the tiniest island. Then search around for something yellow that will be where I am.” Hera said. “Well… at least where my cage trap is.” Hera added.

ADVENTURE TIME! WINGS TO THE RESCUE! Wings started flying. There was no sign of any small island. Maybe flying a little lower would help? As Wings started flying a little lower she saw an island with something yellow covering the small island. Wings started flying a little lower, then she really saw what it was. It was trying to kill Hera. It had a sharp blade charging down at Hera and she was trying to stop it by lifting it up with all her strength! The Pegasus now knew why Hera was so breathless. Maybe it was the time to rescue her instead. Again went her horn “ ZAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP”.

Now the cage/trap, bars, and everything turned into junk. Well… except for Hera, and Wings😬. TIME TO LEAVE THE HUMAN WORLD! “ Come on,” Wings said. “What’s wrong?” “Well… er… The humans might be able to see us through a hidden camera.” Hera said. “WHAT D’YOU MEAN?!?!?!” Wings asked pretty furiously, “I thought they were all made in to junk.” “I guess you were right.” Hera replied. Then let’s go!”Wings shoughted.” As they flew Wings got a little over elicited and nearly threw Hera off. She started slowing down then saw Zeus. He threw his arms around Hera. They had a  nice dinner. Bye then, it was the end of the day. Bye everybody See you guys tomorrow.

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Olivia Zhou
Olivia Zhou
4 years ago

When Wings was flying in the sky, she couldn’t spot a single yellow island. Wings thought, “Maybe I should go a little lower,” When she got a little lower, she then spotted a mini yellow spot. It was the island that Hera was talking about! With no hesitation, Wings went down to the island as fast as she can. Hera was trapped in a cage and on top, their was a huge blade coming straight toward her. “That’s why Hera was so breathless,” thought Wings. When Wings arrived at the mini island, she said, “I’m coming to save you,”
“Thank You,” thanked Hera.
Then again, Wings used her powerful horn to give a great “ZAP!” then the cage, turned into human junk.
Hera thanked Wings again, and then Wings and Hera flew back to the sky. Zeus was also really worried about Hera, but when Hera and Wings arrived at the sky, Zeus was happy again, well… actually everybody was happy. Everyone had a great feast, and went to bed. Wings was really happy, that she saved her friend, but she thinks its her family.

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