the robot rebellion

The robot rebellion

“Breakfast!” called their mom one day, and immediately, Luna raced downstairs to the kitchen. “Yum,” she said. “Waffles.” but, her smile faded when her mom said,”have you finished your homework?” 

 Luna made up something, “ uhhh we were doing our homework, but………..” her voice trailed off.  Her mom said, “but what? I know you’re lying Luna. Do your homework now. You have 30 more minutes till school starts.”Luna threw down her hands in frustration. Just then, Iris and Ember came down. 

Their mom said again,”did you do your homework?” and a look of panic comes across their faces.

“Uhhhhhhh no.” Ember admitted. At the same time, Iris said “yes, I finished mine.” their mom frowns “Iris, I didn’t see you do your homework.” Iris sighs, gets out a piece of paper, finds a pencil, and starts writing, with the others close behind.

Thirty minutes later, Ember says “finished!” their mom raises an eyebrow.”with all your homework?” Ember sighs.”no. Just with my reading” glances over as Iris checks her watch, and groans, “it’s time for school. Well, I guess we aren’t going to get good grades today.”

Luna laughs.”we never get good grades, Iris.” She said as she got ready for school. Ember sighed.”well, it’s going to be a long day.” all the triplets start walking to school. When they arrive at the school, the late bell has already rung, and the sisters hustle to their first class. The teacher, Mr. Dyone said, “well! The Brights! So glad you could join us. Now, homework please.”Luna frose and slumped into her chair. She didn’t want to explain this to the whole class. She then developed a chill on her spine. She was jerked back into reality by Mr. Dyone saying, “Do you have your homework or not?” 

Ember said, “ummmmm…….. We had an after school activity, and we didn’t have time to do our homework.” Mr. Dyone raised his eyebrows, and they felt that something was really wrong. At the same time they said “can I Use the bathroom?”Mr. Dyone sighed. “Ok, be back in five minutes.” a hint of suspicion creeping into his words. Before he could say anything, the girls all sprinted off to the bathroom.

Iris said “don’t you feel like something bad is going to happen? Like-” she was cut off by a loud boom! And kids screaming. “Like that.” Iris said in a small voice.

Luna said “we’ve got to stop it! I don’t know how, but I have a feeling that only we can stop it. Do you even know what it is?” Suddenly, a woman wearing a wreath of leaves, and regular clothes appeared. “Hello,” she said.”This is a robot army attacking. Luna, you are right, only you can stop it.” Ember interrupts “how?” she asked. 

The lady frowned. “Well, first, you must use your powers to drive the robots away from the school. Then-” she was, again, interrupted by Ember who said “wait…. We have powers?”

“Yes, you will find out soon. Now, I must go, before I distract you so the robots get you.” she teleported away.

“Well, what do we do now?” Ember said. “Umm I think we have to fight the robots.” Iris answers. “Oh, great. ,” Luna groans “let’s fight.” They quickly discovered that they did have powers, and their powers were very useful. “Cool! I had no Idea that I had the power of nature!” said Iris as she wrapped a robot in vines.

The school principal was yelling, “evacuate the school! Apparently these robots have gone haywire!” Just then, a robot rasped, “we are not haywire. We will destroy all nature and replace it with technology! Mwah ha ha ha!”

Ember said “It takes all my willpower to not run away. But my power is very cool.” Luna said, “actually, your power is very hot. Because fire is hot, you know? “Yeah, but let’s not talk right now!” Ember said as she torched a robot.

After they drove away all the robots, they were all panting and went home. The second their mom saw them, she told them to get out of the house because she didn’t want them after she saw the news of their powers on the tv.

When they got out of the house, Luna said “well, what do we do now? We just got kicked out of the house. Suddenly, a scientist said “hey, kids, are you the bright children? If you are, come with us.” Luna stammered “ummm no. We are not the bright children.” The other person said “ well, why are you just standing here?” Ember interjected “we are not the bright children, and that is all you wanted to know. Now, shoo. You’re interrupting my thinking.”  “umm ok.” said the scientist. 

Iris said, “oh, gosh. That was close. Now, I think we need to make nicknames for everyone, because, you know.” “oh, yeah. Hmmmmmmmm i’ll be Jamie Soroner.” said Ember. “How did you come up with that wierd of a name?” says Luna. “i’ll be Sophia starlight.” Iris says “that’s a good name! I’ll be Jen Honers. Let’s call each other these names just in case someone is spying.” 

“I think we need to get going. Like, out of the town.”Luna said. Then, without warning, dragged them into the forest. “We need to somehow stop the robots from destroying nature by…….. Finding their base and blowing it up?”  “Hmmmmm I think that’s a good idea, except that we don’t know where their base is. We can’t just search the whole world! And, also, what if they don’t have a base?” Ember said. “Whatever. Actually, I sense something over there.” says Iris as she points deeper into the forest. “Wait….. You can sense that?”askes Luna. Iris rolls her eyes. “I can sense stuff wrong with the forest. I sense a bunch of wrong stuff over there. It might not be The robot base though. Actually, hmmmmm I think it is.” 

“That’s great!” Ember says. She took off in that direction, but was stopped by Luna. “we have to sneak and attack.” Luna said. “We’ll never win if we just charge. Now, let’s sneak over there.” the sisters crouched behind a bush. “So, what are we going to do? Are we going to, like, blow them up?” asked Ember. “I think that’s a good plan.” Luna whispered back. 

At Luna’s signal, the sisters all ran and used their powers at once, destroying the robots, and blowing up the base. “Wait. what if this is not the only base, and there are a lot of them around the world?” said Iris. “then we can’t blow them all up, right?” Luna said, “hmmm you’re right. We’ll have to warn the police.” “but the police want to study how we got our powers.” Ember pointed out. “we can’t go to them.”

“Then, what do we do? We can’t go around the whole world!” said Iris, panic creeping into her voice. “I think the police option would be better. Or, we could ask a regular person to tell the police. Meanwhile, we’ll be blowing up other bases.” 

“Yeah! Let’s do it!” said all the sisters at once. “now, we just need to find a person. I know, our mom!” Luna, Ember, and Iris start running to their house, and burst open the door. “Actually, we can just take the phone and call the police.” said Iris. Without permission, she grabbed the phone and dialed 911. “Hello? How can we help you, and what is your name?” a voice answered. “I’m jen honers, and we got a visit from the brights. They said they discovered a robot base, and they blew it up. They want you to destroy other robot bases around the world. Because there are probably more bases.” there was a long silence before the voice answered, “ all right. I’ll tell the others. Could you tell the bright children to help? I promise they won’t end up studied.” 

Iris breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you. That was all I needed.” she turned to her siblings. “Well, we’ve got help now.” 

“Yes! Now, we just wait?” asked Ember. “Nah. let’s wreak more.” answered Luna. “The thing is, we have no idea where they are. I guess Iris checks all the forests, I check space, and Ember….. I have no idea.”  

The sisters jumped into action, and searched. “I found two in this forest. They are very close to the one we blew up.” said Iris, and all of them ran to the forest. They walked on, until Iris said, “ok, now, follow me.” they all followed iris behind a bush. Luna silently counted down, 1, 2, 3. Then, they all ran out from behind the bush and used their powers at once. 

“Ok, follow me. We got to blow up the other one.” said Iris. they repeated the process. Then, they got a call from the police saying they tracked down a lot, and they needed help. They said the bases were all in asia. Ember sighed “well, we need a ride to asia.” 

“Hooray. Do we get to take a helicopter?” asked Luna. “or we could just teleport.” 

“Yeah, I vote for teleporting.” said Iris. they all teleported away, right in front of a robot base. All sisters used their powers at once. “I think they’re going to have to make better bases.” Ember said. “Cause we keep blowing them up. Now, we gotta go and blow up some more!” she teleports away, the others close behind. 

Once again, they blew up the base. “ that one was different thaen the others.” Noted Iris. “Like, bigger, harder to destroy, yeah.” 

“Yeah, i think so too. I think that was their main base. We have to find a different way to defeat all of them. Actually, i read in a book that robots rely on solar energy. We could mess them all up at night.” said Luna. “that would take longer, but easier to do. Because i’m getting tired of using my power so much.”

“Sounds like a good plan.” said Ember. And they all teleported away. 

“Well, it’s night. We gotta disable them in the night, and blow them up in the day.” said Luna as she messed up a robot’s wiring. The sisters did that all night, and blew up bases during the day until the robots were all gone. 

“Now what do we do?” luna asked. “We can go home, but our mom will kick us out. Maybe not, though. We gotta try.” 

“I agree. Let’s go.” said Ember. They all teleported away to their house, where their mom was waiting. “Ember! Iris! Luna! Where have you been?”

“Well, you kicked us out of the house.”said Luna “can we not get kicked out now?”

“Yes, absolutely! Now, it’s almost school time. Did you finish your homework?” she said.

“Uhh…. could we skip school for a day?” asked Ember.

“Absolutely!” their mom answered. But do your homework!”

The sisters all went to work and joked around. Ember sighed “well, it’s good to have a normal life now.”

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