An Adventure in Agea

Conor, Jack, and Sylynia are best friends. They all live in New York City. Conor has blond hair, blue eyes, and he wears glasses. He always has lots and lots of ideas. Sylynia has long hair which she always wears as a ponytail, she is Chinese with brown eyes and tan skin. She is shy and quiet. Because she is so quiet, she doesn’t like going out in the noisy city or anywhere noisy. When she is in one place, she likes to stay there for a long time before going out in the noisy city again. But if she is with Conor and Jack, she loses all her fears and is ready to do anything. Jack is Sylynia’s twin brother. They pick up lots of fights because Jack is loud and Sylynia is quiet. Jack is very popular at the school, everybody knows him. Since he is so popular, he barely has time to play with his twin and best friend.

One day they went to the library. They found a book and read it together. When they finished, they noticed on the back cover there were the words You shall come to us. So, Conor said the words “You Shall come to us.” There was a green flash of light and they landed on the ground. All around them there were trees.

Sylynia said “Where did you bring us?”

Jack said, “Why don’t we explore?”

 Off they went. After a while, they stumbled across an enormous castle. Out of nowhere soldiers came out, when the leader saw them, he said “Halt or Die!” They were surrounding them, the friends had nowhere to go. Just when they started panicking, they saw a tall, beautiful, young woman with very long silver hair. She is wearing beautiful clothes with a golden crown. She came and said “Stop,” and beckoned them over. The friends followed. She said, “My name is Queen Sillvia, I will tell you more at the castle, follow me.”

While They were walking, Conor whispered to Sylynia and Jack “should we trust her?”

Jack said “Let’s first trust her. If anything is suspicious, we should run.”

 When they entered the castle, they saw everyone looking at them.

“Why is Everyone looking at us, Conor?”

“You will know when I tell you everything” the Queen said.

 When they entered the enormous castle, the Queen sat down and started talking, “The reason you were teleported here was because there is a monster trying to take over the Agea, you are the only people that can stop him. But before you can stop him, you must first find your spirit animals. Then you must find a wizard to teach you magic. Finally, you must go to search for the weapons in the stone, these are the only weapons that can kill him.”

Conor said, “Why are we the only ones that can kill?”

The Queen said back “nobody knows anything at all. All we know is that the monster has to be stopped.”

 “I guess we have to then.” Said Jack.

“No, no.” Said Sylynia.

Conor said, “I guess we have to do it then if it is to save this whole world.”

 The Queen said, “Thank you, everything you need will be at the entrance.”

“Why did you have to do that, Conor?” Asked Sylynia.

A guard came and said, “Everyone is waiting for you kids.”

 “Let’s go quickly,” said Jack. They hurried to the entrance, lots of people were there. “I think I know why they were staring at us.” Said Sylynia.

 “Why?” asked Jack.

 “Because they knew we were supposed to defeat the monster.”

 “Everything is ready for your departure.” Said the Queen.

 “Thank you.” The friends said and off they went in the forest.

 “Where should we go first, the spirit animal place, the wizard place, or the weapons in the stone?” Asked Conor.

 “Let’s go to the spirit animal place.” Said Jack and Sylynia.

“Then spirit animal it is.” Said Conor. They traveled all day until it was night. “Let’s make camp.” Said Conor so they got the tents out to settle down.

“That was a long day and when are we going to reach the spirit animal place?” asked Jack.

“I would say tomorrow afternoon.” Said Conor. “Can we just get some rest?” asked Sylynia.

 “Okay Sylynia, everyone, let’s go to sleep.”

 The next morning, they set off once more, when it was late afternoon, they got to the spirit animal island. There was very green grass, flowers, rivers, rainbows, temples, and mountains. All on this island. “Wow this place is beautiful.” Said Jack in awe. “Let’s split up so we can find our spirit animals, take these items to catch your animals” said Conor, giving everyone a necklace, a short sword, and a belt.

They went their separate ways, Sylynia went to look at the rainbow, she found a unicorn. She said, “May I have a test for trust?” The Unicorn beckoned her to a cave. “This must be the test.” She thought. Then the Unicorn said, “To earn each other’s trust, we must defeat a monster together.” Sylynia entered the dark and gloomy cave. Suddenly a red face appeared and said, “What do we have here, well is it not my lunch?” Sylynia said to the Unicorn “Blast it!” The Unicorn blasted it and the monster turned into dust. When they were out of the cave, the Unicorn said, “you have earned my trust, now you can catch me.” Sylynia grabbed out an item, which was the necklace, and threw it at the Unicorn. When the necklace touched the Unicorn, it sucked the Unicorn in. She threw the Unicorn back out and hugged the Unicorn. She said, “Now let’s go find my friends.” Off they went to find her friends.

 When Sylynia found her animal, Jack found his animal and so did Conor. Jack found his animal at the sacred fire but this no ordinary fire. This fire can never be extinguished. In the fire sat a Phoenix. Jack asked, “May I have a test for trust?”  The Phoenix rose out of the fire and said, “yes, you may follow me”. Jack followed the Phoenix to a large gloomy cave. “This is where we will test our trust,” said the Phoenix. Jack entered the dark cave, suddenly a cold voice rang and said, “you must be my lunch.” Jack said to the Phoenix, “burn it.” The phoenix burned the monster into dust. When they were outside, the Phoenix said, “you may catch me if you want.”  Taking out his item, which was the short sword, he used it to gently touch the Phoenix and the Phoenix was sucked into the sword. He let the Phoenix back out and said, “Now let’s find my friends.”

Conor found his animal at the sky temple. In the sky temple sat the most powerful spirit animal, the Dragon.

 “May I have a test for trust?” Asked Conor.

The Dragon said, “you do not need a test for trust. You have already proven worthy. I have looked in the core heart of everyone that comes to my temple, but you have proven the best. Now if you wish, you may catch me.”

 “Is it okay if I catch you?” Asked Conor.

“Yes.” Said the Dragon.

 When Conor heard this, he took out his item which was a belt. He threw it at the Dragon and it sucked in the dragon. He threw him back out and together they went to look for his friends.

When they were off the island, Conor asked” Should we go to the wizard place or the weapon in the stone now?”

Jack said, “The wizard place.”

“What about you Sylynia?” Asked Conor.

“The wizard place.” Said Sylynia.

“Alright it’s settled. We are going to the wizard place, plus it’s going to be way easier to get there because we got our animals.” Said Conor.

Everyone hopped on their animal and flew. It was evening when they got there. When they landed, all they saw was rocks.

Sylynia asked” Where is the wizard?”

“I know, follow me.” Said the dragon.

The friends follow the dragon to a odd looking wooden door that said “Eiuv;eabna;tub;aroitbn.”

Conor asked, “Is that a Language?”

“Yes.” Said the Phoenix.

“Can you guys stop talking? I want to see who the wizard is.” Said Jack impatiently.

He knocked and the door slowly creaked open. Inside stood a small little person with a beard that touched the ground. He was trying to talk to the friends.

Sylynia asked the wizard “What are you saying?”. But when she looked up, she saw that the wizard was gone. When the wizard came back, he had a handful of books in his hands. He threw them all out and slammed the door shut.

“Why did he slam the door shut in our face, I thought he was supposed to teach us magic?” Said Sylynia.

“No, you must learn magic yourself.” Said the Unicorn.

“So we came here for nothing?” Said Jack angrily.

“You came here to get the books to learn magic.” Said the Dragon. 

“But I thought we came to get lessons.” Said Conor.

“You do not need lessons, you yourselves can learn. Most people must have lessons because they do not have that much power. But you guys already have lots of power inside you, so you do not need lessons.” Said the Dragon.

“Okay Dragon, but is there specific magic we will learn?” Asked Conor.

“Yes, Sylynia will learn to heal and brew potions.” Said the Dragon

“But brewing potions is not magic.” Said Sylynia.

“Yes, I know. But mostly all wizards and witches brew potions.” Said the Dragon.

“Okay, but how am I going to protect myself, Dragon?” Asked Sylynia

“The potions can protect you, Sylynia.” Said Dragon

“Oh.” Said Sylynia

“Jack’s magic will be close range fighting and you will also learn a few long range attacks.” Said the Dragon

“And Conor, he can do all magic.”

“That’s not fair.” Said Jack

“I guess I have more energy than all of you.” Said Conor happily.

 “I think we better hurry to the weapons in the stone now.” Said Sylynia

They flew super fast to the weapons in the stone, when they got there, they saw a sign that said, “only one worthy can have the weapons.” The friends touched the stone, then “BOOM BOOM BOOM!”

“Who is here to steal the weapons in the stone?” Said a goblin

“Conor, get the weapons, we will fend them off.” Said Jack scared.

“While Conor is getting the weapons, what are we going to do?” Asked Sylynia.

“We will have to fight with spells and potions.” Said Jack

“We don’t know anything.” Said Sylynia

“We have to try.” Said Jack.

“Okay.” Said Sylynia.

Just when they were going to grab the bag that they keep everything in, they were knocked out. When Conor saw his friends get knocked out, he grabbed the bag just as the stone slid open with a loud rumble. He went in, grabbed the weapons, put them in the bag and hid. Conor was thinking how he would save his friends. He also knew that the monster’s minions were searching for him. Then he thought out a plan. The plan was first he would have to creep close to the people who held his friends. Then he would follow them to the prison, when he got there, he would steal the keys to free them. They would quickly get out. The whole plan worked perfectly. When they were out, they were so relieved.

“That was scary.” Said Sylynia.

“Thanks a lot Conor” Said Jack.

“Yeah Conor thanks.” Said Sylynia

“I think you deserve the weapons anyways you got them.” Said Jack

“Everyone, we can’t keep chatting, we need to get a few allies.” Said Conor in a hurried voice.

Everyone threw out their animals, jumped them and went  to find allies.

They found six kings and queens in hours. When they were finished, it was nighttime. Because it was so late, they went to sleep.

 The next morning when Conor woke up, he heard Sylynia and Jack arguing about being loud and quiet.

Conor said, “Guys stop arguing.”

“How can I, he is too loud.” Said Sylynia.

“And she is too quiet.” Said Jack.

They continued arguing all morning until Jack said “Enough, I’m going to end this with a spell. He said knockback!”

But he accidentally made it too powerful and they all went flying in different directions.

Sylynia landed right outside a town. She knew that Conor or Jack would find her for sure, so she waited in the town. Jack landed right in a goblin camp, so he had to fight all afternoon until he could go and search for his friends. Conor however landed in a forest. This forest is the darkest, the most dangerous forest in Agea, so he and his Dragon stuck together. Conor was getting scared, but then a miracle happened, Conor suddenly felt like he knew every spell. He teleported to Sylynia just when Jack found them too.

The next morning, they woke up to train their skills and they train all the way to the afternoon so they will be ready to battle the monster.

After training Jack asked, “When are the kings and queens coming, Conor?”

“Now.” Said Conor.

As they heard lots of feet coming towards them, they looked to see the kings and queens with their armies right behind. When they arrived, everyone started working while the kings, queens, and the friends started talking about plans. They decided everyone should march towards the monster’s castle. Their plan was that the armies would fight the minions while the friends would fight the monster. When they killed the monster, all of his minions would die too. When the friends entered the castle, they saw the monster. He wore a black robe with a hood on to hide his face, he had three hundred arms which laid on his throne. The friends were scared, but they knew what they had to do, and they charged! The monster grabbed three hundred swords off the wall and started fighting them. The friends couldn’t defeat the monster, so they called out their spirit animal to help them. They started overrunning the monster, the monster knew he couldn’t defeat them. He pretended to beg for mercy, the friends and their animals were hesitant. The monster used this advantage to knock out Jack, the Phoenix, and the Unicorn. When Sylynia saw that, they were all hurt. She went to help them, but this took her out of the battle. Conor and the Dragon had to fight the monster for several hours. Finally, Conor gained the upper hand. While the monster was distracted by Conor, the Dragon bit off all the monster’s hands. Conor stabbed the monster in the body and the monster fell to the floor dead.

The day after the monster was killed, they had a big party everyone gave the friends gifts. One of the gifts was a book, on the cover were the words You shall come to us. Conor read the words, there was a green flash of light and they were back in the library. They looked around, they were at the same table. They looked at each and together they said, “That was the best day of my life!”            

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Jason X
4 years ago

Then they went back home and ate lunch. After that, they went to the library again and found a book. Then they read another book and the book was about monsters and goblins. On the back of the book it said WE SHALL COME TO YOU then suddenly a bright green light flashed and goblins were all over the place and it was chaos. The monster was not dead and the monster had more minions and was going to attack. The good then was that the had there spirt creatures and magic back. It was supposed to rain and it is stormy now and the rain is falling and the monster is attacking. Suddenly old freinds came back and they were the kings and queens with their army they fought bravely but they were outnumbered and losing. Suddenly the book in Conor hand filliped to page 117 and read make it all disappear. They never read that before and Conar read it out loud and then…
Refreshments came but the world disappeared and they were in a new world. This world was a blank world with just darkness and no light. They kept fighting and fighting. Until they were victorious because somehow the goblins and monsters had fewer monsters and were outnumbered and losing. But now they noticed balloons and fireworks and it was very fun. Suddenly the saw a green balloon that was very big and highly inflated and very high inflatable. It was fun. But they eventually held up the book and went back home. Suddenly they heard mom said breakfast is ready to wake up. Oh, they thought it was a dream. But looking at the short sword on the ground and the pictures of their spirit animals on the wall and they all thought maybe not and continue adventure, even today.

Jason X
4 years ago
Reply to  Jason X

Great story!
You should do a little more rising action.

Olivia Z
4 years ago

The queen gave Conor a book, and on the front cover and it wrote, “YOU SHOULD COME TO US”, then a green dim light shone on the front cover, and the three friends teleport back to the library, where they were before. “This is the BEST DAY I have ever had!” exclaimed all the three friends together.

Olivia Z
4 years ago
Reply to  Olivia Z

It was wonderful!

Mia Z
4 years ago

Once they defeated the evil monster something weird happened. A blinding light shone in the middle of the castle. As the light started to fade Conor, Jack, and Sylynia saw the shape of a pen, a piece of paper, and a stick.
“What do we do with a pen, paper, and stick?” asked Jack.
“I think the stick is a wand,” Sylynia pointed out. The three kids walked towards the things slowly.
“What should we do?” asked Conor, “I think we should gather them and find a way back home.” Jack, and Sylynia nodded. Together they stuffed the things into their backpacks.
“Let’s move!” said Jack, and off they went.
Conor, Jack, and Sylynia flew on top of their spirit animals to the highest mountain.
“Why are we here?” asked Conor to his dragon.
“ there is a portal in this cave” said the dragon “it leads to your world”
“You have to battle monsters to get to it” added the Phoenix “it will be hard”
“We can not help you right now” said the unicorn as it backed away.
“Let’s do this!” Said Jack, and hurried off. Conor, and Sylynia followed him.
They entered a dark cave, suddenly a cold voice rang out “fight me!”
“Knockback!” screamed conor, and the beast was thrown against the wall.
“Shall I finnish it?” asked sylynia with an evil grin.
“Sure” said conor. Sylynia armed herself with two potions, and threw them all at once.
The monster started to flash, then suddenly it turned into a worm.
“Sorry” said sylynia “ I couldn’t help it.” the two boys were on the floor cracking up.
The three of them rushed toward the portal. It was golden and silver. They held hands and jumped.
Jack blinked and realized that he was sitting in the library next to Sylynia and conor.
“What an awesome day” said conor as he closed the book infront of him, and they walked all the way home.

Ethan L
4 years ago

After the monsters were defeated the queen gave them a little tree and said “This tree is magic it can take you anywhere you want.”

“You mean it can take us home?” asked Conner

“Yes but you must raise it up first. Then eat its fruit, close your eyes and say I want to go home. And you will be home. But there is one warning that you must only eat the fruit when it is red.”

So they took the tree and water it. They waited for only five minutes until the fruit turned all red. Then they ate it and went back to the library.

“That was the most exciting day ever!” they said togther

4 years ago

thats good

4 years ago

that’s good

4 years ago

Conor, Jack, and Sylynia are best friends. They all live in New York City. Conor has blond hair, blue eyes, and he wears glasses. He always has lots and lots of ideas. Sylynia has long hair which she always wears as a ponytail, she is Chinese with brown eyes and tan skin. She is shy and quiet. Because she is so quiet, she doesn’t like going out in the noisy city or anywhere noisy. When she is in one place, she likes to stay there for a long time before going out in the noisy city again. But if she is with Conor and Jack, she loses all her fears and is ready to do anything. Jack is Sylynia’s twin brother. They pick up lots of fights because Jack is loud and Sylynia is quiet. Jack is very popular at the school, everybody knows him. Since he is so popular, he barely has time to play with his twin and best friend.

One day they went to the library. They found a book and read it together. When they finished, they noticed on the back cover there were the words You shall come to us. So, Conor said the words “You Shall come to us.” There was a green flash of light and they landed on the ground. All around them there were trees.

Sylynia said “Where did you bring us?”

Jack said, “Why don’t we explore?”

Off they went. After a while, they stumbled across an enormous castle. Out of nowhere soldiers came out, when the leader saw them, he said “Halt or Die!” They were surrounding them, the friends had nowhere to go. Just when they started panicking, they saw a tall, beautiful, young woman with very long silver hair. She is wearing beautiful clothes with a golden crown. She came and said “Stop,” and beckoned them over. The friends followed. She said, “My name is Queen Sillvia, I will tell you more at the castle, follow me.”

While They were walking, Conor whispered to Sylynia and Jack “should we trust her?”

Jack said “Let’s first trust her. If anything is suspicious, we should run.”

When they entered the castle, they saw everyone looking at them.

“Why is Everyone looking at us, Conor?”

“You will know when I tell you everything” the Queen said.

When they entered the enormous castle, the Queen sat down and started talking, “The reason you were teleported here was because there is a monster trying to take over the Agea, you are the only people that can stop him. But before you can stop him, you must first find your spirit animals. Then you must find a wizard to teach you magic. Finally, you must go to search for the weapons in the stone, these are the only weapons that can kill him.”

Conor said, “Why are we the only ones that can kill?”

The Queen said back “nobody knows anything at all. All we know is that the monster has to be stopped.”

“I guess we have to then.” Said Jack.

“No, no.” Said Sylynia.

Conor said, “I guess we have to do it then if it is to save this whole world.”

The Queen said, “Thank you, everything you need will be at the entrance.”

“Why did you have to do that, Conor?” Asked Sylynia.

A guard came and said, “Everyone is waiting for you kids.”

“Let’s go quickly,” said Jack. They hurried to the entrance, lots of people were there. “I think I know why they were staring at us.” Said Sylynia.

“Why?” asked Jack.

“Because they knew we were supposed to defeat the monster.”

“Everything is ready for your departure.” Said the Queen.

“Thank you.” The friends said and off they went in the forest.

“Where should we go first, the spirit animal place, the wizard place, or the weapons in the stone?” Asked Conor.

“Let’s go to the spirit animal place.” Said Jack and Sylynia.

“Then spirit animal it is.” Said Conor. They traveled all day until it was night. “Let’s make camp.” Said Conor so they got the tents out to settle down.

“That was a long day and when are we going to reach the spirit animal place?” asked Jack.

“I would say tomorrow afternoon.” Said Conor. “Can we just get some rest?” asked Sylynia.

“Okay Sylynia, everyone, let’s go to sleep.”

The next morning, they set off once more, when it was late afternoon, they got to the spirit animal island. There was very green grass, flowers, rivers, rainbows, temples, and mountains. All on this island. “Wow this place is beautiful.” Said Jack in awe. “Let’s split up so we can find our spirit animals, take these items to catch your animals” said Conor, giving everyone a necklace, a short sword, and a belt.

They went their separate ways, Sylynia went to look at the rainbow, she found a unicorn. She said, “May I have a test for trust?” The Unicorn beckoned her to a cave. “This must be the test.” She thought. Then the Unicorn said, “To earn each other’s trust, we must defeat a monster together.” Sylynia entered the dark and gloomy cave. Suddenly a red face appeared and said, “What do we have here, well is it not my lunch?” Sylynia said to the Unicorn “Blast it!” The Unicorn blasted it and the monster turned into dust. When they were out of the cave, the Unicorn said, “you have earned my trust, now you can catch me.” Sylynia grabbed out an item, which was the necklace, and threw it at the Unicorn. When the necklace touched the Unicorn, it sucked the Unicorn in. She threw the Unicorn back out and hugged the Unicorn. She said, “Now let’s go find my friends.” Off they went to find her friends.

When Sylynia found her animal, Jack found his animal and so did Conor. Jack found his animal at the sacred fire but this no ordinary fire. This fire can never be extinguished. In the fire sat a Phoenix. Jack asked, “May I have a test for trust?” The Phoenix rose out of the fire and said, “yes, you may follow me”. Jack followed the Phoenix to a large gloomy cave. “This is where we will test our trust,” said the Phoenix. Jack entered the dark cave, suddenly a cold voice rang and said, “you must be my lunch.” Jack said to the Phoenix, “burn it.” The phoenix burned the monster into dust. When they were outside, the Phoenix said, “you may catch me if you want.” Taking out his item, which was the short sword, he used it to gently touch the Phoenix and the Phoenix was sucked into the sword. He let the Phoenix back out and said, “Now let’s find my friends.”

Conor found his animal at the sky temple. In the sky temple sat the most powerful spirit animal, the Dragon.

“May I have a test for trust?” Asked Conor.

The Dragon said, “you do not need a test for trust. You have already proven worthy. I have looked in the core heart of everyone that comes to my temple, but you have proven the best. Now if you wish, you may catch me.”

“Is it okay if I catch you?” Asked Conor.

“Yes.” Said the Dragon.

When Conor heard this, he took out his item which was a belt. He threw it at the Dragon and it sucked in the dragon. He threw him back out and together they went to look for his friends.

When they were off the island, Conor asked” Should we go to the wizard place or the weapon in the stone now?”

Jack said, “The wizard place.”

“What about you Sylynia?” Asked Conor.

“The wizard place.” Said Sylynia.

“Alright it’s settled. We are going to the wizard place, plus it’s going to be way easier to get there because we got our animals.” Said Conor.

Everyone hopped on their animal and flew. It was evening when they got there. When they landed, all they saw was rocks.

Sylynia asked” Where is the wizard?”

“I know, follow me.” Said the dragon.

The friends follow the dragon to a odd looking wooden door that said “Eiuv;eabna;tub;aroitbn.”

Conor asked, “Is that a Language?”

“Yes.” Said the Phoenix.

“Can you guys stop talking? I want to see who the wizard is.” Said Jack impatiently.

He knocked and the door slowly creaked open. Inside stood a small little person with a beard that touched the ground. He was trying to talk to the friends.

Sylynia asked the wizard “What are you saying?”. But when she looked up, she saw that the wizard was gone. When the wizard came back, he had a handful of books in his hands. He threw them all out and slammed the door shut.

“Why did he slam the door shut in our face, I thought he was supposed to teach us magic?” Said Sylynia.

“No, you must learn magic yourself.” Said the Unicorn.

“So we came here for nothing?” Said Jack angrily.

“You came here to get the books to learn magic.” Said the Dragon.

“But I thought we came to get lessons.” Said Conor.

“You do not need lessons, you yourselves can learn. Most people must have lessons because they do not have that much power. But you guys already have lots of power inside you, so you do not need lessons.” Said the Dragon.

“Okay Dragon, but is there specific magic we will learn?” Asked Conor.

“Yes, Sylynia will learn to heal and brew potions.” Said the Dragon

“But brewing potions is not magic.” Said Sylynia.

“Yes, I know. But mostly all wizards and witches brew potions.” Said the Dragon.

“Okay, but how am I going to protect myself, Dragon?” Asked Sylynia

“The potions can protect you, Sylynia.” Said Dragon

“Oh.” Said Sylynia

“Jack’s magic will be close range fighting and you will also learn a few long range attacks.” Said the Dragon

“And Conor, he can do all magic.”

“That’s not fair.” Said Jack

“I guess I have more energy than all of you.” Said Conor happily.

“I think we better hurry to the weapons in the stone now.” Said Sylynia

They flew super fast to the weapons in the stone, when they got there, they saw a sign that said, “only one worthy can have the weapons.” The friends touched the stone, then “BOOM BOOM BOOM!”

“Who is here to steal the weapons in the stone?” Said a goblin

“Conor, get the weapons, we will fend them off.” Said Jack scared.

“While Conor is getting the weapons, what are we going to do?” Asked Sylynia.

“We will have to fight with spells and potions.” Said Jack

“We don’t know anything.” Said Sylynia

“We have to try.” Said Jack.

“Okay.” Said Sylynia.

Just when they were going to grab the bag that they keep everything in, they were knocked out. When Conor saw his friends get knocked out, he grabbed the bag just as the stone slid open with a loud rumble. He went in, grabbed the weapons, put them in the bag and hid. Conor was thinking how he would save his friends. He also knew that the monster’s minions were searching for him. Then he thought out a plan. The plan was first he would have to creep close to the people who held his friends. Then he would follow them to the prison, when he got there, he would steal the keys to free them. They would quickly get out. The whole plan worked perfectly. When they were out, they were so relieved.

“That was scary.” Said Sylynia.

“Thanks a lot Conor” Said Jack.

“Yeah Conor thanks.” Said Sylynia

“I think you deserve the weapons anyways you got them.” Said Jack

“Everyone, we can’t keep chatting, we need to get a few allies.” Said Conor in a hurried voice.

Everyone threw out their animals, jumped them and went to find allies.

They found six kings and queens in hours. When they were finished, it was nighttime. Because it was so late, they went to sleep.

The next morning when Conor woke up, he heard Sylynia and Jack arguing about being loud and quiet.

Conor said, “Guys stop arguing.”

“How can I, he is too loud.” Said Sylynia.

“And she is too quiet.” Said Jack.

They continued arguing all morning until Jack said “Enough, I’m going to end this with a spell. He said knockback!”

But he accidentally made it too powerful and they all went flying in different directions.

Sylynia landed right outside a town. She knew that Conor or Jack would find her for sure, so she waited in the town. Jack landed right in a goblin camp, so he had to fight all afternoon until he could go and search for his friends. Conor however landed in a forest. This forest is the darkest, the most dangerous forest in Agea, so he and his Dragon stuck together. Conor was getting scared, but then a miracle happened, Conor suddenly felt like he knew every spell. He teleported to Sylynia just when Jack found them too.

The next morning, they woke up to train their skills and they train all the way to the afternoon so they will be ready to battle the monster.

After training Jack asked, “When are the kings and queens coming, Conor?”

“Now.” Said Conor.

As they heard lots of feet coming towards them, they looked to see the kings and queens with their armies right behind. When they arrived, everyone started working while the kings, queens, and the friends started talking about plans. They decided everyone should march towards the monster’s castle. Their plan was that the armies would fight the minions while the friends would fight the monster. When they killed the monster, all of his minions would die too. When the friends entered the castle, they saw the monster. He wore a black robe with a hood on to hide his face, he had three hundred arms which laid on his throne. The friends were scared, but they knew what they had to do, and they charged! The monster grabbed three hundred swords off the wall and started fighting them. The friends couldn’t defeat the monster, so they called out their spirit animal to help them. They started overrunning the monster, the monster knew he couldn’t defeat them. He pretended to beg for mercy, the friends and their animals were hesitant. The monster used this advantage to knock out Jack, the Phoenix, and the Unicorn. When Sylynia saw that, they were all hurt. She went to help them, but this took her out of the battle. Conor and the Dragon had to fight the monster for several hours. Finally, Conor gained the upper hand. While the monster was distracted by Conor, the Dragon bit off all the monster’s hands. Conor stabbed the monster in the body and the monster fell to the floor dead.

The day after the monster was killed, they had a big party everyone gave the friends gifts. One of the gifts was a book, on the cover were the words You shall come to us. Conor read the words, there was a green flash of light and they were back in the library. They looked around, they were at the same table. They looked at each and together they said, “That was the best day of my life!”

Tags: Fantasy
8 thoughts on “An Adventure in Agea”
Jason X says:July 7, 2020 at 3:04 pmThen they went back home and ate lunch. After that, they went to the library again and found a book. Then they read another book and the book was about monsters and goblins. On the back of the book it said WE SHALL COME TO YOU then suddenly a bright green light flashed and goblins were all over the place and it was chaos. The monster was not dead and the monster had more minions and was going to attack. The good then was that the had there spirt creatures and magic back. It was supposed to rain and it is stormy now and the rain is falling and the monster is attacking. Suddenly old freinds came back and they were the kings and queens with their army they fought bravely but they were outnumbered and losing. Suddenly the book in Conor hand filliped to page 117 and read make it all disappear. They never read that before and Conar read it out loud and then…
Refreshments came but the world disappeared and they were in a new world. This world was a blank world with just darkness and no light. They kept fighting and fighting. Until they were victorious because somehow the goblins and monsters had fewer monsters and were outnumbered and losing. But now they noticed balloons and fireworks and it was very fun. Suddenly the saw a green balloon that was very big and highly inflated and very high inflatable. It was fun. But they eventually held up the book and went back home. Suddenly they heard mom said breakfast is ready to wake up. Oh, they thought it was a dream. But looking at the short sword on the ground and the pictures of their spirit animals on the wall and they all thought maybe not and continue adventure, even today.Reply
Jason X says:July 7, 2020 at 3:05 pmGreat story!
You should do a little more rising action.Reply

Olivia Z says:July 8, 2020 at 5:29 pmThe queen gave Conor a book, and on the front cover and it wrote, “YOU SHOULD COME TO US”, then a green dim light shone on the front cover, and the three friends teleport back to the library, where they were before. “This is the BEST DAY I have ever had!” exclaimed all the three friends together.Reply
Olivia Z says:July 8, 2020 at 5:29 pmIt was wonderful!Reply

Mia Z says:July 9, 2020 at 2:13 amOnce they defeated the evil monster something weird happened. A blinding light shone in the middle of the castle. As the light started to fade Conor, Jack, and Sylynia saw the shape of a pen, a piece of paper, and a stick.
“What do we do with a pen, paper, and stick?” asked Jack.
“I think the stick is a wand,” Sylynia pointed out. The three kids walked towards the things slowly.
“What should we do?” asked Conor, “I think we should gather them and find a way back home.” Jack, and Sylynia nodded. Together they stuffed the things into their backpacks.
“Let’s move!” said Jack, and off they went.
Conor, Jack, and Sylynia flew on top of their spirit animals to the highest mountain.
“Why are we here?” asked Conor to his dragon.
“ there is a portal in this cave” said the dragon “it leads to your world”
“You have to battle monsters to get to it” added the Phoenix “it will be hard”
“We can not help you right now” said the unicorn as it backed away.
“Let’s do this!” Said Jack, and hurried off. Conor, and Sylynia followed him.
They entered a dark cave, suddenly a cold voice rang out “fight me!”
“Knockback!” screamed conor, and the beast was thrown against the wall.
“Shall I finnish it?” asked sylynia with an evil grin.
“Sure” said conor. Sylynia armed herself with two potions, and threw them all at once.
The monster started to flash, then suddenly it turned into a worm.
“Sorry” said sylynia “ I couldn’t help it.” the two boys were on the floor cracking up.
The three of them rushed toward the portal. It was golden and silver. They held hands and jumped.
Jack blinked and realized that he was sitting in the library next to Sylynia and conor.
“What an awesome day” said conor as he closed the book infront of him, and they walked all the way home.Reply
Ethan L says:July 9, 2020 at 3:53 pmAfter the monsters were defeated the queen gave them a little tree and said “This tree is magic it can take you anywhere you want.”“You mean it can take us home?” asked Conner“Yes but you must raise it up first. Then eat its fruit, close your eyes and say I want to go home. And you will be home. But there is one warning that you must only eat the fruit when it is red.”So they took the tree and water it. They waited for only five minutes until the fruit turned all red. Then they ate it and went back to the library.“That was the most exciting day ever!” they said togtherReply
Holden says:July 9, 2020 at 4:14 pmthats goodReply
Holden says:July 9, 2020 at 4:15 pmthat’s goodReply
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