Space Adventure

George wakes up early in the morning when the sun just started rising. The bustling city New York has cars honking outside and the streets are filled, even though it is only 3:30 am. New York City is sure loud. He goes downstairs to get some breakfast.  

“Ugh cereal again,” George says.

He plays his counsel and plays it until 5:00. Then he looks in the mirror and sees a cereal stuck in his black straight hair and he gets it out. He goes to their secret clubhouse and finds a secret note saying “FUNNY BOY COME OUT TO PLAY!”George thinks WHAT THE and Maybe. Suddenly the big bully in third grade, Gong comes out of nowhere and tries to tackle George. But good thing he doesn’t know the clubhouse had traps to defend and Gong tripped fell into a ditch/hole. Suddenly George looks at his watch, 7:30 it shows uh oh late to school George thinks. He goes to school and sees a wave 2 of bullies he tries to run away but Gong and Flun, the other big bully. They give him a punch or two [equal to 10-20 punches] and go off to finish off other kids whoosh at least they gave me an easy George thought. George eyes look at the weather, raining a strike of lightning crashes down, puddles are forming the grass is green and wet, kids are screaming and running everywhere it was chaos. Suddenly Gong comes up and that is the last thing Gorge remembers. Before George is in the emergency room, George’s head injured and Gorge continued school since there is a coincidence that saves his life.

The doctor tells him “You land on the grass on a cushion which seems to be your arm and Gong punches you in the right direction and your arm is fractured but you’re fine.”

“ You’re going back to school tomorrow,” mom said.

The next day he goes to school. Reading is a very difficult experience with one arm. Good thing it’ll be off next week for now… George thinks. After that, he goes to the playground and find a… suddenly a bright white light shines but…….. nothing happens. He brings that thing to the clubhouse on the weekend [the next day] and he gives it Patrick [the brainiac]. The other friends’ Shun and Freddy watch him. He says, “This is an ultra computer or something it has a powerful transportation system and futuristic technology. I’ll try to turn it on.” Hacking…Importing info ~~~=>> “Done, I think” He puts the wire in. zzzzzzzz They hear ?elp ?s we are being att?cked by ~zz~ they are taking over our world. I am ~~~~, from #*#*.

“Boo,” George says.

“Amazing, a mega computer that just needs to be fixed a little bit,” Patrick says.

Shun stays clam thinking and then grabs a device his father has given him from his work at the Tesla Corporation, as CEO and Shun pressed a few buttons and inserted the device. He says “My father taught me this” Suddenly the computer becomes 7 parts monitors and cameras popped out and suddenly they hear nothing the world is blank. There is no sound and George tells the friends to grab hold of each other until they can see and they go to another world in a cold place. Little does he know they are in for much more surprises.

They are in someplace in space when they wakes up they see they are in a bed.

“Where are we?” George asks.

He lookes around and finds a box. He tries to get out but the door is locked. He does nor see his friends anywhere. His friends are doing the same thing. Suddenly a person walks into all of their rooms and says

“You’re awake.”

First, all of them are frightened and try to get away but after that, they take it out and know each other better and the guy say he is the captain of the ship and his name is Frank. They go into his office and he tells them that they are the last human survivors and the Pyscors [Aliens] they call themselves have already taken over the planet and most of the survivor ships.

The captain describes them as “Viscous Giants,” he says, “We fight and send our ships but it is like 100 of our ships equal 1 of theirs.”

He pauses for a moment lie he is thinking about whether or not to tell them and then says “Then we escape with our biggest ships but their shields just keep deflecting and now this is the last ship, the Moron VI.” 

Suddenly boom, “We’re being attacked! Turn the shields up and send in the forces.”

“Aim, fire.”

“I’m working on this thing to send us back to the present, yes! All done, Shun”

Patrick says. Shun does his thing again and a bright flash of light traveles them back in time, way back to the… And then they vanish into thin air. Roarrr! Thump.

They are in the past back in the past. They hear noises, carr, carr. Everything is chaos. Suddenly they see a Tyrannosaurus. Boom! IT was a bolt of ⚡ lighting ⚡. More Dinosaurs ran away and the Tyrannosaurus come for them. They ran as fast as they can and hid in a cave. But then they notice that Freddy is missing and they also have bigger problems they are in a nest and the mom is coming home Patrick reboots the computer and they go home safe and sound.

“Hey, there might have been a computer malfunction and send me home before you guys.” 

“Hey I wish we could go on another adventure,” Patrick says.

“Yah, like last month,” Shun says.

Maybe another day,” George says.

“A new day for a new adventure,” Freddy says.

For now, they are safely at home, planet earth. But, they are always ready for another adventure.

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Ethan L
4 years ago

Suddenly boom, “We’re being attacked! Turn the shields up and send in the forces.”

Then Patrick, Shun and Gorge all fell down on the ground. When they all stood back up Patrick checked the machine and whispered loudly “Oh-no the machine is all broken. We will never make it home.”

Just then the captain yelled “Our ship has been hit, we’re going to crash soon!”

Some people screamed, some people cried and some just fainted right on the
spot. Under all the chaos Gorge asked “Can you at least try fixing it?” “Okay
I will try.” With that Patrick got to work.

Gorge, Shun and Freddy handed the Tools and materials that he needed
in order to fix the machine. Just as the ship was about to crash Patrick said “Done.” “Nice job,” said Shun patting him on the back. “Thanks. But hurry up and do your thing before we crash.” So Shun did his thing and they vanished into thin air.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ethan L

George wakes up early in the morning when the sun just started rising. The bustling city New York has cars honking outside and the streets are filled, even though it is only 3:30 am. New York City is sure loud. He goes downstairs to get some breakfast.

“Ugh cereal again,” Gorge says.

He plays his counsel and plays it until 5:00. Then he looks in the mirror and sees a cereal stuck in his black straight hair and he gets it out. He goes to their secret clubhouse and finds a secret note saying “FUNNY BOY COME OUT TO PLAY!”Gorge thinks WHAT THE and Maybe. Suddenly the big bully in third grade, Gong comes out of nowhere and tries to tackle Gorge. But good thing he doesn’t know the clubhouse had traps to defend and Gong tripped fell into a ditch/hole. Suddenly Gorge looks at his watch, 7:30 it shows uh oh late to school Gorge thinks. He goes to school and sees a wave 2 of bullies he tries to run away but Gong and Fun, the other big bully. They give him a punch or two [equal to 10-20 punches] and go off to finish off other kids whoosh at least they gave me an easy Gorge thought. Gorge eyes look at the weather, raining a strike of lightning crashes down, puddles are forming the grass is green and wet, kids are screaming and running everywhere it was chaos. Suddenly Gong comes up and that is the last thing Gorge remembers. Before Gorge is in the emergency room, Gorge’s head injured and Gorge continued school since there is a coincidence that saves his life.

The doctor tells him “You land on the grass on a cushion which seems to be your arm and Gong punches you in the right direction and your arm is fractured but you’re fine.”

“ You’re going back to school tomorrow,” mom said.

The next day he goes to school. Reading is a very difficult experience with one arm. Good thing it’ll be off next week for now… Gorge thinks. After that, he goes to the playground and finds a… suddenly a bright white light shines but…….. nothing happens. He brings that thing to the clubhouse on the weekend [the next day] and he gives it Patrick [the brainiac]. The other friends’ Shun and Freddy watch him. He says, “This is an ultra computer or something it has a powerful transportation system and futuristic technology. I’ll try to turn it on.” Hacking…Importing info ~~~=>> “Done, I think” He puts the wire in. zzzzzzzz They hear? help ?s we are being att?cked by ~zz~ they are taking over our world. I am ~~~~, from #*#*.

“Boo,” Gorge says.

“Amazing, a mega computer that just needs to be fixed a little bit,” Patrick says.

Shun stays clam thinking and then grabs a device his father has given him from his work at the Tesla Corporation, as CEO and Shun pressed a few buttons and inserted the device. He says “My father taught me this” Suddenly the computer becomes 7 parts monitors and cameras popped out and suddenly they hear nothing the world is blank. There is no sound and Gorge tells the friends to grab hold of each other until they can see and they go to another world in a cold place. Little does he know they are in for many more surprises.

They are in someplace in space when they wake up they see they are in a bed.

“Where are we?” Gorge asks.

He looks around and finds a box. He tries to get out but the door is locked. He does nor sees his friends anywhere. His friends are doing the same thing. Suddenly a person walks into all of their rooms and says

“You’re awake.”

First, all of them are frightened and try to get away but after that, they take it out and know each other better and the guy says he is the captain of the ship and his name is Frank. They go into his office and he tells them that they are the last human survivors and the Pyscors [Aliens] they call themselves have already taken over the planet and most of the survivor ships.

The captain describes them as “Viscous Giants,” he says, “We fight and send our ships but it is like 100 of our ships equal 1 of theirs.”

He pauses for a moment lie he is thinking about whether or not to tell them and then says “Then we escape with our biggest ships but their shields just keep deflecting and now this is the last ship, the Moron VI.”

Suddenly boom, “We’re being attacked! Turn the shields up and send in the forces.”

“Aim, fire.”

“I’m working on this thing to send us back to the present, yes! All done, Shun”

Patrick says. Shun does his thing again and a bright flash of light travels them back in time, way back to the… And then they vanish into thin air. Roar! Thump.

They are in the past back in the past. They hear noises, carr, carr. Everything is chaos. Suddenly they see a Tyrannosaurus. Boom! IT was a bolt of ⚡ lighting ⚡. More Dinosaurs ran away and the Tyrannosaurus come for them. They ran as fast as they can and hid in a cave. But then they notice that Freddy is missing and they also have bigger problems they are in a nest and the mom is coming home Patrick reboots the computer and they go home safe and sound.

“Hey, there might have been a computer malfunction and send me home before you guys.”

“Hey I wish we could go on another adventure,” Patrick says.

“Yeah, like last month,” Shun says.

Maybe another day,” Gorge says.

“A new day for a new adventure,” Freddy says.

For now, they are safely at home, planet earth. But, they are always ready for another adventure

Pericles Wang
Pericles Wang
4 years ago

All of a sudden, they were under attack. The commander said, ”Raise the defense, grab weapons. Head out, head out.” The whole ship was trembling, the walls began to break, the ceilings began to fall.
“Gorge, have you fixed the machine yet.” Asked Shun
“Almost.” Said Gorge
Then there was a flash of light, they were underwater. They were being chased by a herd of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Suddenly, they were right at the tip of a volcano. They were on a floating city. They were at the core of the earth. They were on the moon. And they were back on the ship. “Come on Gorge, fix it.” Said Patrick, “Almost done, just need to put these wires, screws, and bolts in, then we would be ready to go.” The walls were cracking open, the ceiling was falling on them. There was a monster about to grab them. But luckily, there was a flash of light and they were back.

4 years ago

He plays his counsel and plays it until 5:00. Then he looks in the mirror and sees a cereal stuck in his black straight hair and he gets it out. He goes to their secret clubhouse and finds a secret note saying “FUNNY BOY COME OUT TO PLAY!”Gorge thinks WHAT THE and Maybe. Suddenly the big bully in third grade, Gong comes out of nowhere and tries to tackle Gorge. But good thing he doesn’t know the clubhouse had traps to defend and Gong tripped fell into a ditch/hole. Suddenly Gorge looks at his watch, 7:30 it shows uh oh late to school Gorge thinks. He goes to school and sees a wave 2 of bullies he tries to run away but Gong and Flun, the other big bully. They give him a punch or two [equal to 10-20 punches] and go off to finish off other kids whoosh at least they gave me an easy Gorge thought. Gorge eyes look at the weather, raining a strike of lightning crashes down, puddles are forming the grass is green and wet, kids are screaming and running everywhere it was chaos. Suddenly Gong comes up and that is the last thing Gorge remembers. Before Gorge is in the emergency room, Gorge’s head injured and Gorge continued school since there is a coincidence that saves his life.

4 years ago

He plays his counsel and plays it until 5:00. Then he looks in the mirror and sees a cereal stuck in his black straight hair and he gets it out. He goes to their secret clubhouse and finds a secret note saying “FUNNY BOY COME OUT TO PLAY!”Gorge thinks WHAT THE and Maybe. Suddenly the big bully in third grade, Gong comes out of nowhere and tries to tackle Gorge. But good thing he doesn’t know the clubhouse had traps to defend and Gong tripped fell into a ditch/hole. Suddenly Gorge looks at his watch, 7:30 it shows uh oh late to school Gorge thinks. He goes to school and sees a wave 2 of bullies he tries to run away but Gong and Flun, the other big bully. They give him a punch or two [equal to 10-20 punches] and go off to finish off other kids whoosh at least they gave me an easy Gorge thought. Gorge eyes look at the weather, raining a strike of lightning crashes down, puddles are forming the grass is green and wet, kids are screaming and running everywhere it was chaos. Suddenly Gong comes up and that is the last thing Gorge remembers. Before Gorge is in the emergency room, Gorge’s head injured and Gorge continued school since there is a coincidence that saves his life.
I like how you said that

4 years ago

George wakes up early in the morning when the sun just started rising. The bustling city New York has cars honking outside and the streets are filled, even though it is only 3:30 am. New York City is sure loud. He goes downstairs to get some breakfast.

“Ugh cereal again,” Gorge says.

He plays his counsel and plays it until 5:00. Then he looks in the mirror and sees a cereal stuck in his black straight hair and he gets it out. He goes to their secret clubhouse and finds a secret note saying “FUNNY BOY COME OUT TO PLAY!”Gorge thinks WHAT THE and Maybe. Suddenly the big bully in third grade, Gong comes out of nowhere and tries to tackle Gorge. But good thing he doesn’t know the clubhouse had traps to defend and Gong tripped fell into a ditch/hole. Suddenly Gorge looks at his watch, 7:30 it shows uh oh late to school Gorge thinks. He goes to school and sees a wave 2 of bullies he tries to run away but Gong and Fun, the other big bully. They give him a punch or two [equal to 10-20 punches] and go off to finish off other kids whoosh at least they gave me an easy Gorge thought. Gorge eyes look at the weather, raining a strike of lightning crashes down, puddles are forming the grass is green and wet, kids are screaming and running everywhere it was chaos. Suddenly Gong comes up and that is the last thing Gorge remembers. Before Gorge is in the emergency room, Gorge’s head injured and Gorge continued school since there is a coincidence that saves his life.

The doctor tells him “You land on the grass on a cushion which seems to be your arm and Gong punches you in the right direction and your arm is fractured but you’re fine.”

“ You’re going back to school tomorrow,” mom said.

The next day he goes to school. Reading is a very difficult experience with one arm. Good thing it’ll be off next week for now… Gorge thinks. After that, he goes to the playground and finds a… suddenly a bright white light shines but…….. nothing happens. He brings that thing to the clubhouse on the weekend [the next day] and he gives it Patrick [the brainiac]. The other friends’ Shun and Freddy watch him. He says, “This is an ultra computer or something it has a powerful transportation system and futuristic technology. I’ll try to turn it on.” Hacking…Importing info ~~~=>> “Done, I think” He puts the wire in. zzzzzzzz They hear? help ?s we are being att?cked by ~zz~ they are taking over our world. I am ~~~~, from #*#*.

“Boo,” Gorge says.

“Amazing, a mega computer that just needs to be fixed a little bit,” Patrick says.

Shun stays clam thinking and then grabs a device his father has given him from his work at the Tesla Corporation, as CEO and Shun pressed a few buttons and inserted the device. He says “My father taught me this” Suddenly the computer becomes 7 parts monitors and cameras popped out and suddenly they hear nothing the world is blank. There is no sound and Gorge tells the friends to grab hold of each other until they can see and they go to another world in a cold place. Little does he know they are in for many more surprises.

They are in someplace in space when they wake up they see they are in a bed.

“Where are we?” Gorge asks.

He looks around and finds a box. He tries to get out but the door is locked. He does nor sees his friends anywhere. His friends are doing the same thing. Suddenly a person walks into all of their rooms and says

“You’re awake.”

First, all of them are frightened and try to get away but after that, they take it out and know each other better and the guy says he is the captain of the ship and his name is Frank. They go into his office and he tells them that they are the last human survivors and the Pyscors [Aliens] they call themselves have already taken over the planet and most of the survivor ships.

The captain describes them as “Viscous Giants,” he says, “We fight and send our ships but it is like 100 of our ships equal 1 of theirs.”

He pauses for a moment lie he is thinking about whether or not to tell them and then says “Then we escape with our biggest ships but their shields just keep deflecting and now this is the last ship, the Moron VI.”

Suddenly boom, “We’re being attacked! Turn the shields up and send in the forces.”

“Aim, fire.”

“I’m working on this thing to send us back to the present, yes! All done, Shun”

Patrick says. Shun does his thing again and a bright flash of light travels them back in time, way back to the… And then they vanish into thin air. Roar! Thump.

They are in the past back in the past. They hear noises, carr, carr. Everything is chaos. Suddenly they see a Tyrannosaurus. Boom! IT was a bolt of ⚡ lighting ⚡. More Dinosaurs ran away and the Tyrannosaurus come for them. They ran as fast as they can and hid in a cave. But then they notice that Freddy is missing and they also have bigger problems they are in a nest and the mom is coming home Patrick reboots the computer and they go home safe and sound.

“Hey, there might have been a computer malfunction and send me home before you guys.”

“Hey I wish we could go on another adventure,” Patrick says.

“Yeah, like last month,” Shun says.

Maybe another day,” Gorge says.

“A new day for a new adventure,” Freddy says.

For now, they are safely at home, planet earth. But, they are always ready for another adventure George wakes up early in the morning when the sun just started rising. The bustling city New York has cars honking outside and the streets are filled, even though it is only 3:30 am. New York City is sure loud. He goes downstairs to get some breakfast.

“Ugh cereal again,” Gorge says.

He plays his counsel and plays it until 5:00. Then he looks in the mirror and sees a cereal stuck in his black straight hair and he gets it out. He goes to their secret clubhouse and finds a secret note saying “FUNNY BOY COME OUT TO PLAY!”Gorge thinks WHAT THE and Maybe. Suddenly the big bully in third grade, Gong comes out of nowhere and tries to tackle Gorge. But good thing he doesn’t know the clubhouse had traps to defend and Gong tripped fell into a ditch/hole. Suddenly Gorge looks at his watch, 7:30 it shows uh oh late to school Gorge thinks. He goes to school and sees a wave 2 of bullies he tries to run away but Gong and Fun, the other big bully. They give him a punch or two [equal to 10-20 punches] and go off to finish off other kids whoosh at least they gave me an easy Gorge thought. Gorge eyes look at the weather, raining a strike of lightning crashes down, puddles are forming the grass is green and wet, kids are screaming and running everywhere it was chaos. Suddenly Gong comes up and that is the last thing Gorge remembers. Before Gorge is in the emergency room, Gorge’s head injured and Gorge continued school since there is a coincidence that saves his life.

The doctor tells him “You land on the grass on a cushion which seems to be your arm and Gong punches you in the right direction and your arm is fractured but you’re fine.”

“ You’re going back to school tomorrow,” mom said.

The next day he goes to school. Reading is a very difficult experience with one arm. Good thing it’ll be off next week for now… Gorge thinks. After that, he goes to the playground and finds a… suddenly a bright white light shines but…….. nothing happens. He brings that thing to the clubhouse on the weekend [the next day] and he gives it Patrick [the brainiac]. The other friends’ Shun and Freddy watch him. He says, “This is an ultra computer or something it has a powerful transportation system and futuristic technology. I’ll try to turn it on.” Hacking…Importing info ~~~=>> “Done, I think” He puts the wire in. zzzzzzzz They hear? help ?s we are being att?cked by ~zz~ they are taking over our world. I am ~~~~, from #*#*.

“Boo,” Gorge says.

“Amazing, a mega computer that just needs to be fixed a little bit,” Patrick says.

Shun stays clam thinking and then grabs a device his father has given him from his work at the Tesla Corporation, as CEO and Shun pressed a few buttons and inserted the device. He says “My father taught me this” Suddenly the computer becomes 7 parts monitors and cameras popped out and suddenly they hear nothing the world is blank. There is no sound and Gorge tells the friends to grab hold of each other until they can see and they go to another world in a cold place. Little does he know they are in for many more surprises.

They are in someplace in space when they wake up they see they are in a bed.

“Where are we?” Gorge asks.

He looks around and finds a box. He tries to get out but the door is locked. He does nor sees his friends anywhere. His friends are doing the same thing. Suddenly a person walks into all of their rooms and says

“You’re awake.”

First, all of them are frightened and try to get away but after that, they take it out and know each other better and the guy says he is the captain of the ship and his name is Frank. They go into his office and he tells them that they are the last human survivors and the Pyscors [Aliens] they call themselves have already taken over the planet and most of the survivor ships.

The captain describes them as “Viscous Giants,” he says, “We fight and send our ships but it is like 100 of our ships equal 1 of theirs.”

He pauses for a moment lie he is thinking about whether or not to tell them and then says “Then we escape with our biggest ships but their shields just keep deflecting and now this is the last ship, the Moron VI.”

Suddenly boom, “We’re being attacked! Turn the shields up and send in the forces.”

“Aim, fire.”

“I’m working on this thing to send us back to the present, yes! All done, Shun”

Patrick says. Shun does his thing again and a bright flash of light travels them back in time, way back to the… And then they vanish into thin air. Roar! Thump.

They are in the past back in the past. They hear noises, carr, carr. Everything is chaos. Suddenly they see a Tyrannosaurus. Boom! IT was a bolt of ⚡ lighting ⚡. More Dinosaurs ran away and the Tyrannosaurus come for them. They ran as fast as they can and hid in a cave. But then they notice that Freddy is missing and they also have bigger problems they are in a nest and the mom is coming home Patrick reboots the computer and they go home safe and sound.

“Hey, there might have been a computer malfunction and send me home before you guys.”

“Hey I wish we could go on another adventure,” Patrick says.

“Yeah, like last month,” Shun says.

Maybe another day,” Gorge says.

“A new day for a new adventure,” Freddy says.

For now, they are safely at home, planet earth. But, they are always ready for another adventure George wakes up early in the morning when the sun just started rising. The bustling city New York has cars honking outside and the streets are filled, even though it is only 3:30 am. New York City is sure loud. He goes downstairs to get some breakfast.

“Ugh cereal again,” Gorge says.

He plays his counsel and plays it until 5:00. Then he looks in the mirror and sees a cereal stuck in his black straight hair and he gets it out. He goes to their secret clubhouse and finds a secret note saying “FUNNY BOY COME OUT TO PLAY!”Gorge thinks WHAT THE and Maybe. Suddenly the big bully in third grade, Gong comes out of nowhere and tries to tackle Gorge. But good thing he doesn’t know the clubhouse had traps to defend and Gong tripped fell into a ditch/hole. Suddenly Gorge looks at his watch, 7:30 it shows uh oh late to school Gorge thinks. He goes to school and sees a wave 2 of bullies he tries to run away but Gong and Fun, the other big bully. They give him a punch or two [equal to 10-20 punches] and go off to finish off other kids whoosh at least they gave me an easy Gorge thought. Gorge eyes look at the weather, raining a strike of lightning crashes down, puddles are forming the grass is green and wet, kids are screaming and running everywhere it was chaos. Suddenly Gong comes up and that is the last thing Gorge remembers. Before Gorge is in the emergency room, Gorge’s head injured and Gorge continued school since there is a coincidence that saves his life.

The doctor tells him “You land on the grass on a cushion which seems to be your arm and Gong punches you in the right direction and your arm is fractured but you’re fine.”

“ You’re going back to school tomorrow,” mom said.

The next day he goes to school. Reading is a very difficult experience with one arm. Good thing it’ll be off next week for now… Gorge thinks. After that, he goes to the playground and finds a… suddenly a bright white light shines but…….. nothing happens. He brings that thing to the clubhouse on the weekend [the next day] and he gives it Patrick [the brainiac]. The other friends’ Shun and Freddy watch him. He says, “This is an ultra computer or something it has a powerful transportation system and futuristic technology. I’ll try to turn it on.” Hacking…Importing info ~~~=>> “Done, I think” He puts the wire in. zzzzzzzz They hear? help ?s we are being att?cked by ~zz~ they are taking over our world. I am ~~~~, from #*#*.

“Boo,” Gorge says.

“Amazing, a mega computer that just needs to be fixed a little bit,” Patrick says.

Shun stays clam thinking and then grabs a device his father has given him from his work at the Tesla Corporation, as CEO and Shun pressed a few buttons and inserted the device. He says “My father taught me this” Suddenly the computer becomes 7 parts monitors and cameras popped out and suddenly they hear nothing the world is blank. There is no sound and Gorge tells the friends to grab hold of each other until they can see and they go to another world in a cold place. Little does he know they are in for many more surprises.

They are in someplace in space when they wake up they see they are in a bed.

“Where are we?” Gorge asks.

He looks around and finds a box. He tries to get out but the door is locked. He does nor sees his friends anywhere. His friends are doing the same thing. Suddenly a person walks into all of their rooms and says

“You’re awake.”

First, all of them are frightened and try to get away but after that, they take it out and know each other better and the guy says he is the captain of the ship and his name is Frank. They go into his office and he tells them that they are the last human survivors and the Pyscors [Aliens] they call themselves have already taken over the planet and most of the survivor ships.

The captain describes them as “Viscous Giants,” he says, “We fight and send our ships but it is like 100 of our ships equal 1 of theirs.”

He pauses for a moment lie he is thinking about whether or not to tell them and then says “Then we escape with our biggest ships but their shields just keep deflecting and now this is the last ship, the Moron VI.”

Suddenly boom, “We’re being attacked! Turn the shields up and send in the forces.”

“Aim, fire.”

“I’m working on this thing to send us back to the present, yes! All done, Shun”

Patrick says. Shun does his thing again and a bright flash of light travels them back in time, way back to the… And then they vanish into thin air. Roar! Thump.

They are in the past back in the past. They hear noises, carr, carr. Everything is chaos. Suddenly they see a Tyrannosaurus. Boom! IT was a bolt of ⚡ lighting ⚡. More Dinosaurs ran away and the Tyrannosaurus come for them. They ran as fast as they can and hid in a cave. But then they notice that Freddy is missing and they also have bigger problems they are in a nest and the mom is coming home Patrick reboots the computer and they go home safe and sound.

“Hey, there might have been a computer malfunction and send me home before you guys.”

“Hey I wish we could go on another adventure,” Patrick says.

“Yeah, like last month,” Shun says.

Maybe another day,” Gorge says.

“A new day for a new adventure,” Freddy says.

For now, they are safely at home, planet earth. But, they are always ready for another adventure George wakes up early in the morning when the sun just started rising. The bustling city New York has cars honking outside and the streets are filled, even though it is only 3:30 am. New York City is sure loud. He goes downstairs to get some breakfast.

“Ugh cereal again,” Gorge says.

He plays his counsel and plays it until 5:00. Then he looks in the mirror and sees a cereal stuck in his black straight hair and he gets it out. He goes to their secret clubhouse and finds a secret note saying “FUNNY BOY COME OUT TO PLAY!”Gorge thinks WHAT THE and Maybe. Suddenly the big bully in third grade, Gong comes out of nowhere and tries to tackle Gorge. But good thing he doesn’t know the clubhouse had traps to defend and Gong tripped fell into a ditch/hole. Suddenly Gorge looks at his watch, 7:30 it shows uh oh late to school Gorge thinks. He goes to school and sees a wave 2 of bullies he tries to run away but Gong and Fun, the other big bully. They give him a punch or two [equal to 10-20 punches] and go off to finish off other kids whoosh at least they gave me an easy Gorge thought. Gorge eyes look at the weather, raining a strike of lightning crashes down, puddles are forming the grass is green and wet, kids are screaming and running everywhere it was chaos. Suddenly Gong comes up and that is the last thing Gorge remembers. Before Gorge is in the emergency room, Gorge’s head injured and Gorge continued school since there is a coincidence that saves his life.

The doctor tells him “You land on the grass on a cushion which seems to be your arm and Gong punches you in the right direction and your arm is fractured but you’re fine.”

“ You’re going back to school tomorrow,” mom said.

The next day he goes to school. Reading is a very difficult experience with one arm. Good thing it’ll be off next week for now… Gorge thinks. After that, he goes to the playground and finds a… suddenly a bright white light shines but…….. nothing happens. He brings that thing to the clubhouse on the weekend [the next day] and he gives it Patrick [the brainiac]. The other friends’ Shun and Freddy watch him. He says, “This is an ultra computer or something it has a powerful transportation system and futuristic technology. I’ll try to turn it on.” Hacking…Importing info ~~~=>> “Done, I think” He puts the wire in. zzzzzzzz They hear? help ?s we are being att?cked by ~zz~ they are taking over our world. I am ~~~~, from #*#*.

“Boo,” Gorge says.

“Amazing, a mega computer that just needs to be fixed a little bit,” Patrick says.

Shun stays clam thinking and then grabs a device his father has given him from his work at the Tesla Corporation, as CEO and Shun pressed a few buttons and inserted the device. He says “My father taught me this” Suddenly the computer becomes 7 parts monitors and cameras popped out and suddenly they hear nothing the world is blank. There is no sound and Gorge tells the friends to grab hold of each other until they can see and they go to another world in a cold place. Little does he know they are in for many more surprises.

They are in someplace in space when they wake up they see they are in a bed.

“Where are we?” Gorge asks.

He looks around and finds a box. He tries to get out but the door is locked. He does nor sees his friends anywhere. His friends are doing the same thing. Suddenly a person walks into all of their rooms and says

“You’re awake.”

First, all of them are frightened and try to get away but after that, they take it out and know each other better and the guy says he is the captain of the ship and his name is Frank. They go into his office and he tells them that they are the last human survivors and the Pyscors [Aliens] they call themselves have already taken over the planet and most of the survivor ships.

The captain describes them as “Viscous Giants,” he says, “We fight and send our ships but it is like 100 of our ships equal 1 of theirs.”

He pauses for a moment lie he is thinking about whether or not to tell them and then says “Then we escape with our biggest ships but their shields just keep deflecting and now this is the last ship, the Moron VI.”

Suddenly boom, “We’re being attacked! Turn the shields up and send in the forces.”

“Aim, fire.”

“I’m working on this thing to send us back to the present, yes! All done, Shun”

Patrick says. Shun does his thing again and a bright flash of light travels them back in time, way back to the… And then they vanish into thin air. Roar! Thump.

They are in the past back in the past. They hear noises, carr, carr. Everything is chaos. Suddenly they see a Tyrannosaurus. Boom! IT was a bolt of ⚡ lighting ⚡. More Dinosaurs ran away and the Tyrannosaurus come for them. They ran as fast as they can and hid in a cave. But then they notice that Freddy is missing and they also have bigger problems they are in a nest and the mom is coming home Patrick reboots the computer and they go home safe and sound.

“Hey, there might have been a computer malfunction and send me home before you guys.”

“Hey I wish we could go on another adventure,” Patrick says.

“Yeah, like last month,” Shun says.

Maybe another day,” Gorge says.

“A new day for a new adventure,” Freddy says.

For now, they are safely at home, planet earth. But, they are always ready for another adventure

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