Young Writers 2020 Summer Camp,Best Work The Boy Who Saw the Future

The Boy Who Saw the Future

Once there was a curious and brave boy whose name was Jakey. Jakey was a 10 years old boy who loved to play sports and learn about history. His dad was on a long business trip around the world. So he was home with only his mom. He was so bored with no one to play with. When finally his best friend’s birthday came. Jakey was looking forward to going to his best friend’s birthday party which was on saturday.

But when saturday finally arrived Jakey’s mom said “Sorry but I just got a phone call from grandma asking if we could go to her house. Oh, right, I almost forgot that she also asked if we could stay at her house for the weekend.” “Do I have to go?” asked Jakey.

“No.” said mom. “Yay I can go to the birthday party!” cried Jakey excitedly. Just as Jakey said that, his mom added, “If you don’t go, think how disappointed your grandma would be. Also if you put yourself in grandma’s shoes, how would you feel if your favorite grandson won’t come when you invite him?” “Okay I will go but I’m telling you, it is going to be very boring.” said Jakey annoyedly. But her mom said “Glad you can understand.” So Jakey grabbed his ipad and went in the car with his mom.

When they got to grandma’s house Jakey saw a huge junkyard. In the junkyard was some really cool stuff (at least Jakey thought they were cool stuff) like old cars and trucks. Cars and trucks were Jakey’s favorite toys in the whole wide world. Jakey asked, “Can I go to explore the junkyard?” “Sure why not. I hope you find something interesting.  Just make sure to come back before dinner. Okay?” Jakey said “Sure.”

When Jakey was in the junkyard he saw something that wasn’t old. In fact it barely has been used. It was a box shaped like a triangle but when Jakey got closer to the box he could see that it had buttons and levers all over it. Then Jakey decided to pick it up. When he did he saw a button that had 3 on it. 3 was Jakey’s favorite number so he pressed the button 4 times because 4 was right in front of 3. Then he turned the box around and saw a screen with an off and on switch by it. When he flipped the switch to “on” he felt dizzy and like the earth was sucking him up.

When he finally stopped feeling dizzy he saw he was in a city and on top of one of the buildings. It was the year 3333. Then he thought, oh-no I’m in the future! Just then a high tech plane came and took him. When the plane landed he saw that he was on neptune. Just as the plane was about to leave, Jakey saw the pilot. The pilot was a see through alien, who looked like a very bad person. When the plane left, Jakey thought of yelling for help but then he remembered that he still had the time machine. Ergo, he tried going back to the year 2023. But nothing happened so he went to explore the planet. As he walked he saw some cool rocks. Then he came upon an enormous mountain. Jakey thought there were alway lots of rocks on a mountain so he went to climb the mountain.

As he was climbing he saw some mouse-like aliens come out of a hole in the mountain. When the mouse-like aliens noticed Jakey they asked, “Who are you? And why are you standing on our nest?” “My name is Jakey and I am looking for someone who can help me fix my time machine.” “We can help you if you get off our nest in 10 9 8…” said all of the aliens at once. Jakey got off the mountain just before they said 1. After the aliens fixed the time machine Jakey shook hands with the king of the aliens. The hand of the aliens was so hard that Jakey almost fainted. He quickly got home before any more aliens decided to shake hands with him.

After dinner Jakey’s mom and grandma both told a story and when it was Jakey’s turn he told them about the adventure he had. When the day came for him to leave he gave the time machine to grandma to store safely. Then he thought maybe grandma’s house isn’t so boring after all.

When they were in the car Jakey asked, “Mom can we go to grandma’s house every weekend?” “Sure. I am glad you’re excited about going to grandma’s house.” “I almost forgot that your friend’s mom said that you can have a sleepover with him since you miss the party,” said mom. “Yay! Best week ever!” cried Jakey excitedly. At school the next day his teacher told everyone to write a story of any kind. Jakey chose to write about his adventure. And at the end he said this was the best year ever!

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Pericles W
4 years ago

Jakey asked, “Alien king, can you fix the time machine?”
The alien said, “No, I will not. I will destroy it!”
The alien destroyed the time machine. Now Jakey had to find his way out all by his self. He found a broken time machine in a dumpster, but no one would fix it. Then a little alien kid who was playing with a ball looked at Jakey. He came over, the kid was like a star wars character from a movie he watched.
“Hi, I’m Howard. My dad is a blacksmith and my mom is an artist. I have made lots of weird machines. Do you want me to fix the time machine?”
“Yes.” Said Jakey
Jakey followed the kid to his house. Under the kid’s house, there was a workshop. In there the kid fixed the time machine. He used different parts like wires, screws, and bolts to put the time machine back together. Jakey pressed the button and he was back in the junkyard.

Jason X
4 years ago
Reply to  Pericles W

Good story but it’s sposed to be about 300 words, not 171.

Olivia Z
4 years ago
Reply to  Jason X

You seriosly counted how many words there are?

4 years ago
Reply to  Olivia Z

171 words

Jason X
4 years ago

Alternative ending

Jason X
4 years ago

Actually Follow-up story

This was it, the sleepover. He knocked on his best freinds door. “Jakey come in” His best friend’s mom comes over to answer. Jakey’s mom said, “I’ll come to pick you up tomorrow.” “sure,” His friend’s mom Bella said. Jakey came in and found his best friend Fredrick was waiting for him in the living room. They first played on Fredrick’s Nintendo Switch. Jakey wasn’t just as good as Fredrick because he didn’t have a switch at home. But, almost because he went to Fredrick’s house a lot. First, they played Mario. “Watch out Jakey.” “W-hoo!” They were having so much fun. Then they played super smash bros, the colorful game packed with action. “Take this.” “Ha-yah.” “Suprise!” Fredrick had won the first round. The competed again, this time Fredrick kept attacking and Jakey’s health was low. But then he saved up for an ultimate attack and sneakily mad his way toward Fredrick. When Fredrick realized what as happening it was too late and he died and jakey won a close victory. “Great planning, I thought I was going to win.” “Dinner is ready” Bella called out But they were nowhere to be seen. Uh no, they were in 1111 in the past and in a native American tribe. They ran as fast as their little feet could carry them but some Nativ American’s saw the intrude and went to get their horses. They kept running and running and stooped just to take a breath. They continued to run and suddenly he remembered the Perimend shaped time machine and started programming it. The Native Americans grabbed there swords and bows and started firing and they were just about to get captured when Jakey pressed the button and they were back home. “Dinner is getting cold,” Bella said. Then they rushed off to get pizza.

Mia Z
4 years ago

The alien king saw that the time machine was broken and said,
“I can not fix this.”
Jakey gasped “why?”
“Because” said the alien king, “it is too complicated.” Jackey hung his head, and started to walk away.
As he walked out of the castle he saw a sign, it said “ WANTED : jAKEY. fOR THE ZOO. ONLY HUMAN ON EARTH ” Jakey gasped as two aliens grabbed his arm, and tugged him away.
“It wasn’t my fault!” yelled Jakey, “it just happened!” The aliens didn’t listen to him and continued to drag him twords the zoo.
At the zoo Jakey saw an elephant with five heads, a mouse the size if a house, a snake with legs and ears, and all lot of other weird stuff.
Before he knew it he was thrown into the last cage. A whole crowd of aliens started to look at him.
“Get away from me!” screamed Jackey, so loud that he knew that the alien king could hear him. As the aliens scattered Jakey found a little alien boy crying.
“Whats wrong” asked Jakey.
“ I’m lost!” said the little boy, “all I have now is a time machine, and I don’t know how to use it!” Jakey gasped.
“I have a request” Jakey said “ if you give me the time machine, I will help you find your parents.”
At this, the little boy nodded, and said “ I will let you out of your cage, so you can help me!”
Jakey watched as the boy ran to a button and pressed it. Nothing happened, suddenly the bars started to wiggle. Jakey reached over to touch the bars but nothing happened, he could go threw the bars! Still in awe Jakey stepped out of the cage.
“Whats your name?” asked Jakey.
“I’m david” said the boy. So off they went.
First Jakey turned the switch on the time machine to when david last saw his parents. There was a zap! And then they were back in the gift store. Jakey and david saw two aliens running towards them.
“David!” they yelled. Soon david was united with his family, and Jakey was ready to go home. Jakey pressed 2023 on the machine. There was a blinding light, and he found himself back in the junkyard holding the time machine.
“What a day!” thought Jakey.

Mia Z
4 years ago

The alien king saw that the time machine was broken and said,
“I can not fix this.”
Jakey gasped “why?”
“Because” said the alien king, “it is too complicated.” Jackey hung his head, and started to walk away.
As he walked out of the castle he saw a sign, it said “ WANTED : jAKEY. fOR THE ZOO. ONLY HUMAN ON EARTH ” Jakey gasped as two aliens grabbed his arm, and tugged him away.
“It wasn’t my fault!” yelled Jakey, “it just happened!” The aliens didn’t listen to him and continued to drag him twords the zoo.
At the zoo Jakey saw an elephant with five heads, a mouse the size if a house, a snake with legs and ears, and all lot of other weird stuff.
Before he knew it he was thrown into the last cage. A whole crowd of aliens started to look at him.
“Get away from me!” screamed Jackey, so loud that he knew that the alien king could hear him. As the aliens scattered Jakey found a little alien boy crying.
“Whats wrong” asked Jakey.
“ I’m lost!” said the little boy, “all I have now is a time machine, and I don’t know how to use it!” Jakey gasped.
“I have a request” Jakey said “ if you give me the time machine, I will help you find your parents.”
At this, the little boy nodded, and said “ I will let you out of your cage, so you can help me!”
Jakey watched as the boy ran to a button and pressed it. Nothing happened, suddenly the bars started to wiggle. Jakey reached over to touch the bars but nothing happened, he could go threw the bars! Still in awe Jakey stepped out of the cage.
“Whats your name?” asked Jakey.
“I’m david” said the boy. So off they went.
First Jakey turned the switch on the time machine to when david last saw his parents. There was a zap! And then they were back in the gift store. Jakey and david saw two aliens running towards them.
“David!” they yelled. Soon david was united with his family, and Jakey was ready to go home. Jakey pressed 2023 on the machine. There was a blinding light, and he found himself back in the junkyard holding the time machine.
“What a day!” thought Jakey.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mia Z

The alien king saw that the time machine was broken and said,
“I can not fix this.”
Jakey gasped “why?”
“Because,” said the alien king, “it is too complicated.” Jackey hung his head and started to walk away.
As he walked out of the castle he saw a sign, it said “ WANTED: jAKEY. fOR THE ZOO. ONLY HUMAN ON EARTH ” Jakey gasped as two aliens grabbed his arm, and tugged him away.
“It wasn’t my fault!” yelled Jakey, “it just happened!” The aliens didn’t listen to him and continued to drag him towards the zoo.
At the zoo, Jakey saw an elephant with five heads, a mouse the size of a house, a snake with legs and ears, and a lot of other weird stuff.
Before he knew it he was thrown into the last cage. A whole crowd of aliens started to look at him.
“Get away from me!” screamed Jackey, so loud that he knew that the alien king could hear him. As the aliens scattered Jakey found a little alien boy crying.
“What’s wrong,” asked Jakey.
“ I’m lost!” said the little boy, “all I have now is a time machine, and I don’t know how to use it!” Jakey gasped.
“I have a request,” Jakey said, “ if you give me the time machine, I will help you find your parents.”
At this, the little boy nodded, and said: “ I will let you out of your cage, so you can help me!”
Jakey watched as the boy ran to a button and pressed it. Nothing happened, suddenly the bars started to wiggle. Jakey reached over to touch the bars but nothing happened, he could go threw the bars! Still, in awe, Jakey stepped out of the cage.
“What’s your name?” asked Jakey.
“I’m David,” said the boy. So off they went.
First Jakey turned the switch on the time machine to when David last saw his parents. There was a zap! And then they were back in the gift store. Jakey and David saw two aliens running towards them.
“David!” they yelled. Soon David was united with his family, and Jakey was ready to go home. Jakey pressed 2023 on the machine. There was a blinding light, and he found himself back in the junkyard holding the time machine.
“What a day!” thought Jakey.

4 years ago

But when saturday finally arrived Jakey’s mom said “Sorry but I just got a phone call from grandma asking if we could go to her house. Oh, right, I almost forgot that she also asked if we could stay at her house for the weekend.” “Do I have to go?” asked Jakey.

“No.” said mom. “Yay I can go to the birthday party!” cried Jakey excitedly. Just as Jakey said that, his mom added, “If you don’t go, think how disappointed your grandma would be. Also if you put yourself in grandma’s shoes, how would you feel if your favorite grandson won’t come when you invite him?” “Okay I will go but I’m telling you, it is going to be very boring.” said Jakey annoyedly. But her mom said “Glad you can understand.” So Jakey grabbed his ipad and went in the car with his mom.

When they got to grandma’s house Jakey saw a huge junkyard. In the junkyard was some really cool stuff (at least Jakey thought they were cool stuff) like old cars and trucks. Cars and trucks were Jakey’s favorite toys in the whole wide world. Jakey asked, “Can I go to explore the junkyard?” “Sure why not. I hope you find something interesting. Just make sure to come back before dinner. Okay?” Jakey said “Sure.”

When Jakey was in the junkyard he saw something that wasn’t old. In fact it barely has been used. It was a box shaped like a triangle but when Jakey got closer to the box he could see that it had buttons and levers all over it. Then Jakey decided to pick it up. When he did he saw a button that had 3 on it. 3 was Jakey’s favorite number so he pressed the button 4 times because 4 was right in front of 3. Then he turned the box around and saw a screen with an off and on switch by it. When he flipped the switch to “on” he felt dizzy and like the earth was sucking him up.

When he finally stopped feeling dizzy he saw he was in a city and on top of one of the buildings. It was the year 3333. Then he thought, oh-no I’m in the future! Just then a high tech plane came and took him. When the plane landed he saw that he was on neptune. Just as the plane was about to leave, Jakey saw the pilot. The pilot was a see through alien, who looked like a very bad person. When the plane left, Jakey thought of yelling for help but then he remembered that he still had the time machine. Ergo, he tried going back to the year 2023. But nothing happened so he went to explore the planet. As he walked he saw some cool rocks. Then he came upon an enormous mountain. Jakey thought there were alway lots of rocks on a mountain so he went to climb the mountain.

As he was climbing he saw some mouse-like aliens come out of a hole in the mountain. When the mouse-like aliens noticed Jakey they asked, “Who are you? And why are you standing on our nest?” “My name is Jakey and I am looking for someone who can help me fix my time machine.” “We can help you if you get off our nest in 10 9 8…” said all of the aliens at once. Jakey got off the mountain just before they said 1. After the aliens fixed the time machine Jakey shook hands with the king of the aliens. The hand of the aliens was so hard that Jakey almost fainted. He quickly got home before any more aliens decided to shake hands with him.

After dinner Jakey’s mom and grandma both told a story and when it was Jakey’s turn he told them about the adventure he had. When the day came for him to leave he gave the time machine to grandma to store safely. Then he thought maybe grandma’s house isn’t so boring after all.

When they were in the car Jakey asked, “Mom can we go to grandma’s house every weekend?” “Sure. I am glad you’re excited about going to grandma’s house.” “I almost forgot that your friend’s mom said that you can have a sleepover with him since you miss the party,” said mom. “Yay! Best week ever!” cried Jakey excitedly. At school the next day his teacher told everyone to write a story of any kind. Jakey chose to write about his adventure. And at the end he said this was the best year eve

4 years ago
Reply to  Holden

Space Adventure

4 years ago
Reply to  Holden

Space Adventure

4 years ago
Reply to  Holden

Space Adventure

4 years ago
Reply to  Holden

Space Adventure

Jane Ai
4 years ago
Reply to  Holden

you said space adventure 4 times.

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